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HITM for 08-27-2013 – Harvard Polo and Equine Photography Primer 27 Aug 2013 | 07:35 pm
Amazing Equine Photographer Scott Trees joins us with an update on his adventures and a free webinar offer and Danielle Lussi of the Harvard Polo Team on playing polo around the world and hot polo guy...
August 30 Races At Chester 27 Aug 2013 | 03:04 pm
In looking ahead to upcoming horse races, it can be a bit hard to sort through the pile and focus on the favourites. The bottom line is, there are so many races going on throughout the UK at a given t...
HITM for 08-26-2013 by Omega Alpha Equine – Game On Dude Among Winners, Diane Little and Jamie Horse Shopping, 26 Aug 2013 | 08:07 pm
Travers, Personal Ensign, Pacific Classic and the Del Mar Gate Mishap all vie for top billing this morning before we turn to horse shopping with a little help from Diane Little. Rounding out the day...
HITM for 08-23-2013 by Kentucky Performance Products – Penny Chenery on Secretariat, Horse-y Marriage Rules and Shapey Pony 23 Aug 2013 | 08:20 pm
What an honor to have Penny Chenery, Secretariat's owner, and John Tweedy on the show for a preview of the documentary Penny & Red. Also, fun facts about the Travers Stakes in anticipation of tom...
HITM for 08-22-2013 – Classic Re-Visit: The Gift of Sheath Cleaning and Really Bad Ads 22 Aug 2013 | 08:40 pm
RECORDED THURSDAY: In this classic episode gleaned from the HITM audio vault, rodent control, deck chairs, sheath cleaning as a gift idea and really, really bad ads are all part of the fun. Listen...
HITM for 08-21-2013 – International Trivia Winners, Horse and Country TV, Icky Abscesses 21 Aug 2013 | 08:06 pm
Wackiness reigns on this morning's wheel with a winner of the FITS breeches until we play catch up with Horse & Country TV's Victoria Spicer. Rounding this hump day edition, the dynamic duo of horse ...
HITM for 08-20-2013 by Back On Track – TSA’s On The Job, Lisa’s 18h Chevy, Test Free Equine Athletes 20 Aug 2013 | 08:04 pm
Another AETA show is in the can so it's back to the studio for today's show. Following a brief rant from Coach Jenn on the TSA's apparent sensitivity to neon yellow sports bras, we enjoy a listener ...
HITM for 08-19-2013 by Omega Alpha Equine – Live from AETA and Glenn in Breeches 19 Aug 2013 | 08:34 pm
Helena and Glenn live from AETA with a pile of guests talking about some of the new products coming to tack shops near you. Plus, the FITS girls got Glenn into breeches for the first time ever. List...
HITM for 08-16-2013 by Kentucky Performance Products – Blaze Kids Radio, Tips and ReAly BAd AddS 16 Aug 2013 | 07:30 pm
It's Freestyle Friday and the HITM crew welcomes Blaze Kids Radio, hears some tips from Michelle Bergeron and brings forth another funny batch of Really Bad Ads. Listen in... HORSES IN THE MORNING E...
HITM for 08-15-2013 by TLAER – Emergency Prep: Horse Trailer Hang Ups, Building Response Teams 15 Aug 2013 | 08:11 pm
Today Dr. G and Glenn the Geek go over some how to best deal with horse trailer emergency scenarios and how our local fire departments can help us and we can help them. Guests John Haven and John Vin...