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“Slingin’ the Paint” – An Online Marketing Strategy 7 Sep 2012 | 08:44 pm
finger-painting.jpg When Charlotte Struts was little she loved finger painting. Her mother didn’t. Charlotte would finger paint everything in her path, the walls, the toilet bowl, bed sheets, the c...
Montgomery Joins Horton Group as Client Relations Specialist 27 Aug 2012 | 10:38 pm
Jennifer.jpg Horton Group has seen a steady rise in business as organizations and businesses in the Tennessee area seek skilled professionals to provide them with effective marketing solutions. To h...
We’re having a Heatwave: Five Steps to Create a Facebook Business Page 22 Aug 2012 | 09:26 pm
heat.jpg Summer is hot! The desert is hot! But neither of them is as hot as Facebook and that’s a heat that is not only here to stay but constantly pushing the mercury in social media marketing the...
“Go Mobile” A Great Read…But not While Driving 17 Aug 2012 | 12:40 am
go mobile.jpg My friend Melanie is hooked to her phone. Not literally, but might as well be; she’s had two accidents while texting. I think the new billboards all over the place were erected just f...
Everyone Wants in Junior League But Is It Your Best Social Media? 10 Aug 2012 | 10:27 pm
junior league.jpg Junior League is Social Media at its finest, emphasis on the social. You put thirty decisive, popular, dominant, rich, assertive women together and you can organize the world. Why?...
The Three Faces of Eavesdropping on Facebook 7 Aug 2012 | 12:33 am
eavesdropping.jpg Let’s face it; we all want to know everybody’s business. One question that peaks a person’s interest as much as anything is: “Aren’t you just a little curious?” There’s more excit...
Running the Numbers on Your Social Media Report Card 30 Jul 2012 | 11:01 pm
report.jpg The new Social Media Reporting tools from Google Analytics provide marketers free social media monitoring and measurement capabilities. When coupled with Google+ community managers gain in...
King Content Rules! 25 Jul 2012 | 07:05 pm
crown.jpg Have you heard the expression 'content is king'? Well, it’s true so embrace the concept. Already, many large corporations use their content to create exposure, reinforce their brand, a...
Not Your Granny’s Back Fence Social Media 17 Jul 2012 | 10:26 pm
picket_fence1.jpg It’s common knowledge that gossip spreads like wildfire. It’s true… to an extent. The problem is that it begins with only one and compounds exponentially only by two’s and four’s, ...
Not Your Granny’s Back Fence Social Media 17 Jul 2012 | 10:26 pm
picket_fence1.jpg It’s common knowledge that gossip spreads like wildfire. It’s true… to an extent. The problem is that it begins with only one and compounds exponentially only by two’s and four’s, ...