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Minneapolis Advertising Agencies: Del Monte Agency 24 Nov 2012 | 11:30 pm
This year in September, Del Monte Agency celebrated its first year as it finished as the top contender of Minneapolis advertising agencies. For those that know me, you might remember some of my many ...
Has Your Blog Muse Gone Missing? 24 Nov 2012 | 08:03 pm
We all have those days when we know we have to write something completely killer, but our muse has died. Our inspiration has up and left the building, and forgot to tell us she was headed out. She’s n...
Making an Offer Through Blogging Content That Creates A Desire To Act 10 Nov 2012 | 03:04 pm
Let’s face it – blogging is either educating or selling. We blog for the simple reason that we’re trying to convince others to buy our goods or hire our services. Even if your blog is more of a “posi...
Three Skills for SEO Success 1 Nov 2012 | 09:13 am
Every job and every niche has its own particular set of skills that are necessary for success. An aptitude for or natural ability in one or more is certainly a plus in your favor, but that leaves the...
Are You a Content King? Then Let’s Build a Castle 30 Oct 2012 | 09:48 am
Let’s face it, content is king and will always be the case. This is true regardless of whether you sell a product or service. If either one sucks, no about of traffic is going to fix the problem. F...
Is Google+ a Failure or Prodigy? 25 Oct 2012 | 07:37 pm
As you probably are aware, Google+ is one of the newest social media networks recently launched this year on June 28, 2012 to be specific. However, I think it is fair to say that it wasn’t met with t...
How to Penetrate Mid-level Markets Using Market Research and Content 26 Sep 2012 | 08:57 pm
As a professional marketer and blogger, I have developed many varied and somewhat disconnected interests. I think it comes from having to follow this marketing trend for that client and keep on top of...
Using Infographics Responsibly 21 Sep 2012 | 05:00 pm
A while back we did a post on infographics and how, personally, we find them a bit creepy and pervasive. But, as trends will, their popularity is growing faster than zombies in a horror flick. And lik...
When it Comes To Shopping Research, Amazon is #1 20 Sep 2012 | 05:00 pm
Something quietly occurred in the online marketplace recently, but it was so quiet that few even in the industry took notice. In fact, I could only find the information on two sites, and one of them ...
Scheduling Posts On Facebook 19 Sep 2012 | 05:00 pm
If you are utilizing Facebook with a business or community page, you’re either doing one of three things: a.) spending way too much time keeping up with posts, b.) not spending enough time keeping up ...