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Why The Atlantic’s Scientology Advertorial Was Bad 15 Jan 2013 | 11:34 pm
The Atlantic has apologized for the way they handled a “sponsored” article about Scientology on their website last night. That’s good, and necessary. (It belongs on their actual website, rather than i...
Safe From Harm 19 Dec 2012 | 09:53 pm
The first time I read Liza Long’s “Thinking the Unthinkable,” all I felt was compassion for the woman who wrote it and the horrifying and dangerous situation she described. Maybe that’s what you felt,...
Mobile Content Strategy Everywhere 14 Dec 2012 | 02:20 am
A few years ago, the number of books that taught editorial strategy and content planning for the web could be counted on one hand—and many of those focused only on writing and style, or on content-as-...
How to Kill a Troll 8 Jul 2012 | 06:50 am
Anita Sarkeesian is a cultural critic who makes YouTube videos. A lot of people like her work: she tried to raise $6,000 via Kickstarter to fund a new set of videos about women in video games, and rai...
Brooklyn from Orbit 22 Jun 2012 | 08:06 am
Image © NASA The last six months have been dizzying, in mostly good ways: invigorating conferences, really fun projects, badass new friends and collaborators. A lot of travel, too. I’m home for awhil...
Bloggers and Bowerbirds 5 Jun 2012 | 04:45 am
There are still a lot of elbows being thrown in the squabble about “creation” versus “curation,” and it seems to be getting worse. As humans tend to do, we’re talking past each other and pretending to...
Announcing Contents magazine 1 Sep 2011 | 03:49 am
The conversation about content strategy, online publishing, and all the subfields and specializations that surround them is flourishing. Wonderfully, it’s no longer possible to keep track of the posts...
Now Out: The Elements of Content Strategy 9 Mar 2011 | 03:22 am
My book is out today! And although I wrote a bit about it when it was first announced, I’m going to indulge in just a little more. Fruits of labors, via Mr. Santa Maria I wrote The Elements of Conte...
The Forecast is Awesome 1 Jan 2011 | 10:53 am
That was a hell of a year. It has been a ridiculously wonderful experience to participate in and learn from the giant, piñata-studded, slightly tipsy party that has been content strategy in 2010. (On ...
Ch-ch-ch Changes 14 Dec 2010 | 09:37 am
Let her fix the content or she will maim you with these common office supplies. (Image source.) A few weeks ago, before the snowpocalypse, I visited the lovely people at Brain Traffic in their Minnea...