Infrarecorder - - InfraRecorder

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Latest News:
Bug Fix Release 1 Sep 2012 | 10:59 pm
I have released a new version correcting a few bugs related to file system generation, write speed detection and write speed selection. In addition to bug fixes the update also contains a few UI impro...
Bug Fix Release 6 Mar 2011 | 11:18 pm
Version 0.52 has been released. This version corrects a few of the most critical bugs, you can view the entire change log here.
Small Update 15 Aug 2010 | 09:46 pm
Version 0.51 is now released. This is a bug fix release which corrects various problems (some not documented in the change log). Maybe the most noticeable bug fix is the Windows 7 desktop icon problem...
New Version 17 Aug 2009 | 09:20 am
Version 0.50 is now released. The changes can be viewed here, but the list may be incomplete. Due to the long development time since the previous release some forgotten changes might haven been includ...
It’s Alive 13 Aug 2009 | 08:44 am
The project is very much alive although it’s been a while since the last release. A new version is scheduled for release the upcoming weekend. Version 0.50 contains some feature improvements but most...
Translation Updates 10 Dec 2008 | 12:00 pm
UPDATE: You can ignore this post since I have now reverted back to the old translation system. This post is to all InfraRecorder translators. I usually don’t post about this on the website, but the n...
Small Update 11 Nov 2008 | 09:24 am
I have released a minor update fixing the problem with InfraRecorder freezing before burning a disc or creating a disc image. If you do not have these problems there is no reason to update.
Server Issues 9 Nov 2008 | 01:35 am
There was an unfortunate server crash yesterday night causing the website to go down for some time. Some comments has been lost but most data has been recovered.
Version 0.46 9 Nov 2008 | 01:34 am
Version 0.46 has been released, please see the changelog here. This version solves the infamous erase issue and includes a few new features such as support for recording multiple copies in serial. Th...
Version 0.45 26 Apr 2008 | 09:50 am
Version 0.45 is here! Take a look in the changelog to see what’s new.