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Work and Worship 16 Jun 2007 | 01:34 pm
It appears Rick Warren shares my view that worship is our whole of life response to the goodness of God. Worship is hard work and hard work is worship.Worship is our first responsibility to God, yet m...
Piano Music for From Footprints 3 Aug 2006 | 04:26 pm
From Footprints I've just produced a piano arrangement for this lovely haunting song. So if your keyboard player can't work from a lead sheet, this should solve your problems...
God of Wonders or God of Blunders? 6 Jul 2006 | 11:20 am
God of Wonders or God of Blunders?: "God of Blunders?"My church has decided to introduce the song “God of Wonders” by Marc Byrd and Steve Hindalong. Here’s what writer Steve Hindalong (from 80’s Chris...
No Regrets 8 Aug 2005 | 10:53 am
Vain Regret -- Daily "Lessons on Living" Christian Devotional: "As Christians, we must live so as to minimize regrets. And when we experience them, we should be quick to ask for God's forgiveness and ...
Respecting Your Elders -- Daily "Lessons on Living" Christian Devotional 25 Jul 2005 | 01:27 pm
As I read my daily devotion, I was struck by this comment. As we deal with the elderly, we must do so with patience and compassion. Most of them have made significant sacrifices to raise their famili...
Welfare to Work makes you poorer 8 Jul 2005 | 08:37 am
To:: “The financial disincentives to work and study must be removed so struggling Australians can improve their prospects and find a way out of poverty.” CommentNote that these figures only apply to t...
PWD Publications 5 Jul 2005 | 02:05 pm
PWD publications: "People with disability - two classes - punished and ignored Media statement in response to the 2005 - 06 Federal Budget."
Those Who Wait -- Daily "Lessons on Living" Christian Devotional 21 Jun 2005 | 12:59 pm
"Isaiah 40:31 Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Those Who Wait Peopl...
An Awesome God -- Daily "Lessons on Living" Christian Devotional 27 May 2005 | 11:45 am
Read this today in my devotions and reflected on some songs to help in this. Just follow the links :-) "If you are feeling overawed by earthly things, take time out to worship God. Don't come to Him ...
Fear God now and you won't have to fear God later. 20 May 2005 | 11:19 am
The Fear of God -- Daily "Lessons on Living" Christian Devotional: "Fear God now and you won't have to fear God later." I read this today in my Quiet Time and wanted to reflect on the Fear of God in ...