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True Costs in the Agriculture and Food Industry 21 Aug 2013 | 03:21 pm
by Heidi Darling Up until about 1960, the largest contributor of CO2 to the atmosphere wasn’t the burning of fossil fuels. It was plowing agriculture fields, which destroyed the rich dark (carbon) fi...
Sustainable Economics: Tim Jackson gives a reality check 7 Aug 2013 | 05:02 pm
If you read Inspired Economist, you’re well aware that our economic model based entirely on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is flawed and is driving us over the edge of a cliff. Growth, traditionally, ha...
Slavery and the Shrimp Industry 6 Aug 2013 | 04:55 pm
Forced Labor, Child Labor and Debt Bondage The two words, “slavery” and “shrimp”, seem an unlikely combination, with little or no relevance to one another. In fact, the element of “modern-day slaver....
Economic Analysis of Keystone XL: Jobs, the Environment, and Long Term Outcomes 2 Aug 2013 | 06:19 am
John Kerry, Secretary of State, is tasked with making some high level recommendations to President Obama regarding the construction of TransCanada’s controversial oil pipeline known as Keystone XL. En...
The Social Economist 12 Jul 2013 | 02:07 pm
by Phil Michaels “Our generation made their money tearing our world apart, your generation is going to make your money putting it back together,” declared authors of the social entrepreneurial book, ...
The Company Store, Reinvented? McDonald’s Heaps Fees Onto Employee Pay, Partners with Slimy Bank JP Morgan Chase 12 Jul 2013 | 03:28 am
You load 16 Big Macs, and what do you get? Another day older…and deeper in debt? How about this for headlines that simply can’t be true, but somehow are. McDonald’s the global megachain serving GMO-....
Element Media’s Print Publications Go Carbon Neutral 11 Jul 2013 | 03:39 am
Element Media, publishers of a variety of magazines focused on the Honolulu market, this week announced a partnership with Hawaiian Legacy Hardwoods to plant native koa trees on the Big Island of Hawa...
Economic dangers of oil reliance 7 Jul 2013 | 04:53 pm
Downtown Lac-Magentic, on fire, after being hit by a train carrying 72 tankers of crude oil. Photo from the AP The small town of Lac-Magentic in the Quebec province of Canada is ablaze over a full da...
Solar PV and Resale Value: Is There an Effect? 3 Jul 2013 | 03:56 am
Generally speaking, putting solar on your home is a good investment. But what if you’re planning to sell? Are homebuyers willing to up the ante for a home with solar panels? According to some recent s...
Older, and Better. Population Connection Symposium Examines How a Nation Can Make the Most of Aging 21 Jun 2013 | 02:14 am
By John Seager, President, Population Connection It seems like yesterday my kids were underfoot. Then I look in the mirror and get a reality check. I may feel 35, but I’m now at the age my younger sel...