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iPhone im Ausland 27 Aug 2013 | 12:44 pm
Hallo, ich würde gerne mein iPhone auch im Ausland nuzten. Leider kann ich keine anderen SIM Karten einlegen, weil es dann gesperrt ist. Kann man diese Sperrung irgendwie loswerden? Ich brauche es im...
why don't I see the "prefix" to add "Solved" to title, when editing? 24 Aug 2013 | 05:19 am
Like others, I don't see the Prefix drop box when I EDIT a post, to show "Solved" in title. I see the prefix when creating a post - not when try to edit one.
Edit added text after image saved, closed & reopened? 24 Aug 2013 | 02:34 am
IN IV 4.36 is there anyway to add text / captions, then edit that text later? Far as I know, other than overlaying text on an image, only other way to add "text box" is resize the canvas, select part...
Requested Allow viewer left/right arrows do drop-down if held down (like browsers do) 24 Aug 2013 | 01:00 am
One of the things I like about Irfanview is the ease of use of the viewer. I would love to see the Right & Left Arrows on the toolbar (not on the keyboard) be able to provide a drop-down list of the u...
Printer settings - error 23 Aug 2013 | 10:44 am
Good morning, we have the problem that in the “Print dialog box” the button "Settings" will not open any window. This error occurs since our printers have received an extended release name (eg Previo...
Solved Problem with viewing pictures I've placed in numbered order 23 Aug 2013 | 08:56 am
Hi everyone, hoping you can helping me figure what's going wrong here or what I'm doing wrong. I have several sets of pictures that I've placed in numbered order. When I use IRFanView and get to Pict...
Do any IV download sites NOT use d/l managers? 23 Aug 2013 | 06:19 am
EDIT 8/23/2013: Seems I was wrong (had to happen sooner or later) about - at least some - downloads of IV, from some / many sites, don't use "download managers" to 1st d/l a small file, which then con...
Checksum doesn't match? plugin zip download? 23 Aug 2013 | 05:53 am
Today, tried several times d/l the plugin zip file,, from w/ checksum: 5c8e701606fa618811d22e9b7d46086cf00ceb5f2a25d76eb5 c8631b23a7303a...
Can not batch convert bmp to jpg 23 Aug 2013 | 05:30 am
Greetings - I've used irfanview for many years. I'm using V4.36 . I'm trying to batch convert bmp files to jpg. I start by selecting "File>Batch Conversion/Rename". I navigate to the folder to get th...
Problems editing IPTC data 23 Aug 2013 | 01:41 am
I am setting a lot of IPTC data in my images. For mass settings, for for tags that IrfanView doesn't allow me to edit I use exiftool. However for small tasks, fixing a couple of values, IrfanView is e...