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“N*gga Please – The Realities of Reverse Racism in America” –(NSFW) Video Facebook Shut Down 27 Aug 2013 | 09:07 pm
Note: IMO Racism is racism –period. I haven’t used the phrase ‘reverse racism’ for years. –VH Raymmar Tirado (YouTube): After Treyvon Martin and the spectacle that was the trial of George Zimmerman I...
Gang Of Black Kids Bully 3Yr Old White Girl, Video It, Then Facebooks It W/Title “When White People Piss Black People Off” [August 2013] 27 Aug 2013 | 01:07 am
Trickle down angry racism spawning mini wilding thugs??? Children learn what they live so… Hands on. The (girl) bullies look like they are between the ages 6 and 8. The boy who eggs them on not muc...
Bwahahahahahahaha! @Oprah’s Penis Dress! [Photo] 25 Aug 2013 | 06:21 am
Ahem, make that ‘white’ penis dress. @TwitchyTeam surely Oprah’s penis dress deserves a coveted Twitchy spot? — The Morning Spew (@TheMorningSpew) August 21, 2013 H/T Twi...
#MarchOnWashington Photos: “King” Obama & Obama Image Desecrating US Flag 25 Aug 2013 | 03:21 am
Source: NBC Washington Another one: President Obama on the flag. — Mo Del (@modvq) August 24, 2013 Mo Dell is so enthralled with the sight of an Obama desecrate US flag ...
#MarchOnWashington: Mind-Blowingly Ignorant @TheRevAl Sharpton Quote Of The Day! 25 Aug 2013 | 12:34 am
If ignorance is bliss, Sharpton must be in a coma of euphoria by now… (NBC Washington) –Sharpton also explained why he thought King spoke about dreams 50 years ago. “Dreams are for those who won’t a...
Video: DHS Employee Who Runs Race War ‘Kill Whitey’ Website Calls Obama “Mulatto Faggot” [Update: On Paid Leave] 24 Aug 2013 | 09:39 pm
Ouch! Via Breitbart: As revealed this week, ICE employee Ayo Kimathi runs a website called “War on the Horizon” which predicts a coming race war between blacks and whites. Using the name Irritated ...
@MarkLevinShow on Explosive @CNN #Benghazi Report: “It’s Iran-Contra Times a Thousand” 24 Aug 2013 | 07:13 pm
Click here to view the embedded video.
Obama’s ‘Redistribution of Blame’ 24 Aug 2013 | 05:24 pm
So thoughtful of Obama to share the blame with those who have none. What a guy! Heh. Via Mediaite: Gee Obama, what thin skin you’re in. It has been nearly a year since you were reelected, one would ...
4 Violent Black Flash Mob Muggers Hurl Racial Epithets “Honky, Cracker, White Trash” While Viciously Pummeling Victim–1 Suspect Charged,3 Running Free... 23 Aug 2013 | 07:34 pm
But remember kids the racial terms ‘honky and cracker’ are never used as the equivalent of the n-word…riiiight… The victim was diagnosed with a subdural hematoma and his assailants shouted racial epi...
89 Yr Old White WWII Vet BEATEN to DEATH By 16 Yr Old Black Thugs,Security Photo of Suspects -UPDATE: 1 Suspect Charged! 2nd Suspect On The Run, Name ... 23 Aug 2013 | 05:38 am
Just how many stone cold killer sons does Obama have? Victim WWII veteran 89 year old Delbert “Shorty” Belton (KXLY-TV) WWII veteran Delbert Belton survived being wounded in action during the Battle...