Ivetetecedor - ivetetecedor.com - Ivete Tecedor

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Optimizing WordPress Workflow 4 Apr 2013 | 07:08 pm
After years of blogging on WordPress and building dozens of client sites on it, I’ve come to prefer my own modified version of a WordPress install. For example, I always put WP in its own directory an...
Fun Charity Responsive WordPress Site 25 Feb 2013 | 07:41 pm
My client (and friend) Victoria Findlay Wolfe is a well-known quilter and one of the leaders of the Modern Quilt movement. One of the many, many projects she works on is a charity that collects and di...
Fun Charity Responsive WordPress Site 25 Feb 2013 | 07:41 pm
My client (and friend) Victoria Findlay Wolfe is a well-known quilter and one of the leaders of the Modern Quilt movement. One of the many, many projects she works on is a charity that collects and di...
Responsive Photography-driven Minimal Site 24 Oct 2012 | 11:50 pm
My clients, the owners of The Poffertjesman, needed to upgrade from an extremely outdated site to something new and modern that would more closely convey their brand. Their only requirement was the us...
Responsive Photography-driven Minimal Site 24 Oct 2012 | 11:50 pm
My clients, the owners of The Poffertjesman, needed to upgrade from an extremely outdated site to something new and modern that would more closely convey their brand. Their only requirement was the us...
Fantastic Facebook Marketing Idea 18 Jul 2012 | 10:35 am
You know when you get to the section of a checkout form where you can enter a promo code, but you don’t have one? The next thing you do if you’re me is open a new browser tab and google “website URL ...
Fantastic Facebook Marketing Idea 18 Jul 2012 | 07:35 am
You know when you get to the section of a checkout form where you can enter a promo code, but you don’t have one? The next thing you do if you’re me is open a new browser tab and google “website URL p...
The #1 thing people do wrong when creating new websites 12 Jul 2012 | 07:13 am
After having essentially the same conversation with clients (and friends, and my dad) over and over again, I’ve come to the conclusion that almost no one considers the most important element when they...
The #1 thing people do wrong when creating new websites 12 Jul 2012 | 04:13 am
After having essentially the same conversation with clients (and friends, and my dad) over and over again, I’ve come to the conclusion that almost no one considers the most important element when they...
Etsy Accounting: Adding your Etsy account to Outright 27 Apr 2012 | 02:26 am
When your business is all about your creativity, your time literally IS money! So anything that makes your accounting tasks faster is awesome. With Outright, after you set up an account to sync, the ...