J1visawaiver - j1visawaiver.net - J1VisaWaiver

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California Conrad 30 J1 Waiver Requirements and Update 13 Apr 2013 | 06:29 am
The Conrad Program waives the two-year home-country physical presence requirement upon completing the J-1 exchange visitor program before a foreign physician can return to the United States. Californi...
Conrad 30 Program, Recent Trends and The Improvement Act 19 Dec 2012 | 07:04 am
A move is underfoot to expand the Conrad 30 program, which offers 30 J-1 visas per state to foreign physicians. Currently, Florida, New York, Texas, and California are among the most popular states. T...
Georgia License Renewal Law Causes Slowdown for Immigrant Doctors 5 Dec 2012 | 01:41 pm
Immigrants who work as doctors, nurses, and other licensed health care professionals are experiencing business delays as a result of Georgia’s license renewal law, the Illegal Immigration Reform and E...
Illinois and Florida have received more than 30 Conrad 30 applications 30 Nov 2012 | 04:17 am
This year many states are receiving a higher volume of Conrad 30 applications than in previous years. Florida has already received 51 applications and Illinois has received 40 J1 waiver applications....
Do Foreign Medical Graduate (FMG) Radiologists in North Carolina qualify for a J1 Waiver? 17 Oct 2012 | 03:27 am
North Carolina is a state that will accept applications for specialists for its j1 Conrad 30 Waiver program. If you are a radiologist or if you are an employer who will sponsor an application for a r...
It is J-1 waiver “season” 13 Oct 2012 | 11:13 pm
It is J-1 waiver “season” for filing Conrad State 30 J-1 visa waivers for foreign physicians. In order to be eligible for a J-1 visa waiver via the Conrad 30 program, you must be a foreign medical gra...
J1 Waivers and Green Card options 13 Oct 2012 | 06:58 am
Many of my physician clients, after obtaining their J1 Waiver and H1B visa, ask about their green card options. Below is a discussion of the two most popular green card options for doctors. Physician...
J-1 Hardship Waiver for individuals with a Medical Disability 6 Jan 2012 | 02:45 pm
At Ranchod Law Group we have been successful in obtaining approval for J-1 Hardship Waivers and we would like to share one of our success stories. Most recently we successfully completed an applicati...
Mistake #7 Failing to timely obtain a state license 19 May 2011 | 05:24 am
Submission of your state license is a requirement for filing the H-1B petition. You should allow yourself plenty of time to apply for a license in the state in which you intend to practice. You should...
Mistake #6 Doctors in H-1B status do not have a strategy to legally reside in the U.S. after completing residency 10 May 2011 | 05:23 am
Typically many H-1B residents complete their residency in July. Normally if a doctor participates in a residency program as a H-1B resident s/he is not subject to the H-1B cap; however when you change...