Jacobsingh - jacobsingh.name
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OSX's greatest strength is its greatest weakness 24 Jul 2013 | 09:13 am
I use a macbook air. I haven't always been a mac user, but around 5 years ago I joined a company which said they would spend $3,000 on a computer so I left the land of neckbeards, printed out my X11.c...
Blocking Chinese Spam from gmail 21 Jun 2013 | 06:32 am
Since May I've been getting a crazy amount of Chinese spam. About 40 messages a day. Although I would one day love to learn Chinese and find out how impressive I will be to my lover after taking their...
Smokes 22 Mar 2013 | 10:38 am
Right now, I’m thinking of smoking a cigarette. I have a chronic sore throat, which is probably from sinusitis, hopefully not cancer. It doesn’t always hurt, but I need to drink something every time I...
Airtel 3G data pack / plan recharge after you run out 7 Mar 2013 | 03:21 pm
Airtel's 3g payment service is incredibly broken. I am a heavy data user and this happens to me all the time. Here's the scenario: You buy a data pack (say 2GB for 455 INR) You use up all 2GB before...
Show and tell 28 Feb 2013 | 10:41 am
We walked into school late, as usual. I had an orange hand-held Donkey Kong game with a big crack in it my mom got from the dump. I could play it for hours at night in my sleeping bag and flashlight w...
Drupalstan: What's up in the Indian Drupal community 25 Jan 2013 | 04:16 pm
Welcome to the first of a hopefully regular update on the Drupal community in India - Drupalistan! Contribution spotlight: Capgemini helping with drupal.org testing Drupal's massive growth has attra...
Google with multiple accounts: How it should work 4 Aug 2012 | 07:14 pm
If you're here, you probably already have a personal google account (myname@gmail.com) and a google apps account at work (my.name@mycompany.com). And if you didn't have the 8-6, the kids to pick up f...
Fake it till you make it, one-liner to generate content for a Drupal site 18 Jul 2012 | 12:46 am
Devel Generate is great module for putting some dummy content on your site. You can generate taxonomy terms and vocabs, users, nodes and menus. Other modules, such as the voting API also plugin to i...
Fake it till you make it, one-liner to generate content for a Drupal site 17 Jul 2012 | 09:46 pm
Devel Generate is great module for putting some dummy content on your site. You can generate taxonomy terms and vocabs, users, nodes and menus. Other modules, such as the voting API also plugin to i...
Tab Wrangler or how I stopped thrashing and learned to close my tabs 8 Jul 2012 | 10:42 am
Right now, on my computer, Chrome is using 1.2GB of RAM with 3 tabs open. After 20 tabs, it's hovering around 3GB. Back in the bad old days, I would easily have 30 tabs open at any given moment, and s...