Jamesbiskey - jamesbiskey.com - James Biskey

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Thank you Hollywood! Chicago bound... 29 Jun 2011 | 11:58 pm
First of all, the show at King King was super fun. Thank all of you - work and church friends, old and new friends, and especially those who traveled from San Diego, alllllll over LA and Inland Empire...
Rocking out at King King 6/24 5 Jun 2011 | 05:00 am
Hey Friends! Mark your calendars... Friday, June 24th, my band & I are playing a big show at King King in Hollywood, for The LeBarons' record release party! Also playing will be Tennessee Trouble and...
2011: The Year Of The Rawk 15 Jan 2011 | 03:51 am
Photo by Jen May Pastores. www.jenmayblog.com Hey all! This Sunday, January 16, I'm playing a FREE show with my band at Universal Bar & Grill at 4093 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, CA, just down ...
I'm on CD! (and iTunes!) 10 Dec 2010 | 06:47 am
Look what I got in the mail at work today... IT'S MY CD!!!! On... CD!!!! Wooooooot!!!!! I ordered about 200 and about half of them are already bought or spoken for. (My coworkers snatched up a few y...
Turkey, The Itis, music & other weekend updates 1 Dec 2010 | 10:43 pm
So I just crashed my Photoshop because I think I tried to crop something wrong. I tried setting the crop ratio with the number of pixels, and I think Photoshop thought I mean inches. 400 inches is a l...
4 cool new things! (A multimedia experience) 17 Nov 2010 | 11:10 pm
Hey there! A lot's been going on lately. I gotta give you a quick update: Anything look different to you? It should! I'm giving this place an extreme makeover. Even though the website's got a new loo...
First takes and second chances 8 Nov 2010 | 08:49 pm
I guess I can't just sit around and do nothing. While I'm waiting to hear back from potential audio masterers (is that a word?) who can lay the smack down on my tracks, I relaxed this weekend by... ac...
Done mixing! Plus, help me pick an album cover 3 Nov 2010 | 08:08 pm
Why am I smiling in this picture? For one reason, the water is cold, but the real reason I'm happy... My EP's mixed! (And it sounds way better than the demos.) All that's left now is mastering, album...
Whoa-oh, we're halfway there... 27 Oct 2010 | 08:35 am
...whoa-oh, livin' on a prayer! Take my hand, we'll make it I swear! Whoa-oh! Livin' on a prayer! Ahem. Excited. Wanna know why...? My EP's halfway mixed! Yesterday I took the day off from my day j...
what helps me work 8 Oct 2010 | 12:29 am
i'm at work before sunrise, finishing some tests and working on a presentation. i'm getting a phenomenal amount done in these hours, especially when compared to the admittedly slow pace i've been at d...