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浅谈信用卡的安全使用 13 Apr 2013 | 09:13 pm
近日很多网友at我,让我评评招行信用卡。我原不是很想表态,因为大家都知道我大爱中国银行,我说任何话,会被认为带 [...
注销信用卡怎样不花冤枉钱? 13 Apr 2013 | 09:02 pm
1分钱不花 信用卡合法套现的四个办法 13 Apr 2013 | 09:02 pm
Motorcycle Helmets 23 Mar 2013 | 11:53 am
These days ,more and more people love riding motorcycle as it is fun and exciting. But once you involved a road accident your injuries is possible more serious than driving a car. The cars are designe...
New York City Plumbing 3 Mar 2013 | 06:47 pm
I was always told that word of mouth would be the best way to find licensed plumber nyc, but it turns out I was wrong. It is easy for one people to say that they found the best nyc plumbing, especiall...
Route Planning Software 3 Mar 2013 | 06:30 pm
Route4Me is an popular online service these days that tells you the most efficient route to complete all your errands. Route4me is an uesfull route planning software. It optimizes your route when trav...
“面子”经济学 3 Mar 2013 | 06:25 pm
春节刚过,不少网友在网上晒出自己的春节花销账单,过年几天花掉好几个月收入的比比皆是,有的甚至花掉大半年的收入,其中大多数的花销都属于“面子”消费。 无论是获得一种心理满足感还是间接获取物质利益,从结果的角度看,面子消费得到的都只是一种短期的效用满足。 “讲面子”、“爱面子”、“给面子”……种种说法背后,隐藏的
张五常:小账的变化 3 Mar 2013 | 05:54 pm
(五常按:本文是《制度的选择》第三章《合约的一般理论》的第七节。) 小账又称小费,而广东俗语更有几个其他称呼。我最欣赏是香港的一些老人家还应该记得的「金梳」一词,是英语come shore(抵岸)的谐音。源于鸦片战争后,西洋鬼子群起乘船抵港,岸上的苦力就是这样叫,而跟着食肆的侍应也这样叫了。(后来「金梳」又以谐
张五常:按件数算工资与收入分配 3 Mar 2013 | 05:53 pm
(五常按:本文是《制度的选择》第三章《合约的一般理论》的第六节。) 让我转到雇用劳动力或员工那方面去。这是新制度经济学的一个大话题,不仅因为监管员工的费用高,也带到市场分离、公司性质、失业原因等有趣的现象去。 本节我先论件工(即按产品件数算工资),下节说小账(小费)。这两种合约经济学很少提及。件工重要
Route Planner 26 Feb 2013 | 08:21 pm
Route4Me is an popular online service these days that tells you the most efficient route to complete all your errands. Route4me is an uesfull driving route planner. It optimizes your route when travel...