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Summer of Code Projects 12 Jun 2010 | 05:52 am

This year we’re lucky enough to have three students working on Jokosher as part of the Google Summer of Code, two under GNOME and one under GStreamer. Andi Miller Andi is looking into making it poss...

Site down-time 12 Jun 2010 | 05:25 am

You may have noticed that the site was unavailable for a number of days recently, this was due to the sudden unexpected loss of a server and our relocation to a new one (big thanks to Jono and Aq for ...

Jokosher 0.11.1 Bug Fix Update 19 Mar 2009 | 12:43 pm

Just this week we released an update to last month’s version 0.11. Ubuntu packages and source packages are available on the download page as usual. This is a bug fix release only, so you won’t see any...

What’s New in Jokosher 0.11 25 Feb 2009 | 01:14 am

After six months of hard work we have released Jokosher 0.11. We haven’t given any updates in a while. Our last update was in October, and there was no details on what new features you can expect in t...

Jokosher October Update 5 Oct 2008 | 09:05 am

Jokosher 0.10 Released After almost a year and a half, we got another release out the door. As I mentioned last time this release did not have as many features as the long wait would suggest. Instead...

Jokosher August Update 14 Aug 2008 | 01:32 am

Bazaar and Launchpad Transition We have just completed our transition to the Bazaar version control system. Our code will now be hosted in Bazaar branches on Launchpad. If you were used to using SVN ...

Development Plan for Jokosher 0.10 11 May 2008 | 05:11 am

Last Sunday we concluded the IRC meeting, and we decided on a list of things to do for the 0.10 release. We decided for certain that the release will be in August. The tentative release date is August...

Jokosher 0.10 Roadmap Announcement 1 May 2008 | 04:01 am

The Jokosher team would like to announce the long awaited version 0.10, which will be coming out in August. We are looking forward to getting an updated version of the code into the next Ubuntu releas...

Hack Sessions 13 Sep 2007 | 04:41 am

We have two hack sessions scheduled this week - Wed 12th September and Thurs 13th September, both from 9pm UTC in #jokosher on They are quite late (or early or just right depending, ...

Jokosher at LugRadio Live 2007 17 Jul 2007 | 04:16 am

Once again, a large number of Jokosher community members were present at LugRadio Live 2007 in Wolverhampton, UK. Jono Bacon and Stuart Langridge were the hosts of the event, and I (Laszlo Pandy) and ...

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