Joomailer -
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A Fresh Admin Experience 30 Dec 2010 | 02:45 am
Since the very first version of Joomailer, we have tried to offer you an unparalleled user experience. We think that this one is the major reason why people choose a particular system or product over ...
JoomailerMC - Release Schedule 16 Nov 2010 | 08:56 pm
As promised we are putting out a release schedule of the features you can expect. I will start with the most recent update a few days ago: 1.2 beta:(Already available) We call it beta, but it really ...
Autoresponders Added to MC Integration 11 Oct 2010 | 07:31 pm
Let's start the week off with another update to our Mailchimp Integration for Joomla!. In our recent webinar I had promised that we have a major update imminent. We had promised a release a bit earlie...
Our Itinerary for Joomailer's Voyage 30 Sep 2010 | 07:49 pm
The Joomailer Mailchimp Integration is advancing quickly because of the awe inspiring API that Jesse has put together. It is easy to use and implement. Here I just want to give you a quick overview of...
Mailchimp Integration 1.1 Released 28 Sep 2010 | 02:34 am
We have got more updates coming your way. Joomailer Mailchimp Integration has received a major update in functionality and version 1.1 is now available. Folder management, merge fields and better filt...