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My Brazzers debut… (sort of) 30 Aug 2012 | 09:22 pm
While I was out in LA last month for my birthday I got a text from my good friend Ken Dark, a director for Brazzers. Another director who shoots here on the west coast, Just Dave, was looking for an e...
STRANGE SEX TOYS: The Pogo Stick Dildo Thing (aka The Fantasy Glide) 10 Apr 2012 | 04:41 am
Last week I posted on twitter about a strange new product I had just gotten in at the porn shop where I work. I received more than a few @replies asking about it but I got really busy and anyways, i.....
An American Werewolf in London XXX – so bad it’s good? 21 Feb 2012 | 04:01 am
Before we get to the real post, I made a new Facebook page for myself so please “Like” me on there! Thanks! Parody porn has been around for a very long time now (Edward Penishads is a timeless class....
Lindsay Lohan’s “Leaked” Playboy Nudes 11 Dec 2011 | 08:38 am
Maybe you’ve been living under a rock or in a cave or something, but most people should know that everyone’s favorite freckled coke fiend, jailbird, and sometimes actress Lindsay Lohan` accepted a ONE...
Your Daily Dose of WTF 28 Oct 2011 | 06:39 am
I have no clue what this is all about but HOLY FUCK it is amazing. Related posts: do YOU like it in the can? Sqweel of Fortune (alternate title: would you st...
from the archives : The Porn Store Zombie Survival Guide 31 Aug 2011 | 03:43 am
This post was originally published on 5/27/09 at POPPORN. I wrote it while I was working at a mom-n-pop porn shop. Most of the customers were dudes who came in to rent porn. While there were some nice...
Since I’ve been gone (from the ctrl-v archives… pt. 2) 27 Jul 2011 | 03:42 am
I know it’s been a while since I last posted but here I am again! (geez… a lot of my blog posts seem to start off like this, but I promise I am really making keeping up with the site a top priority in...
The More You Know… Pt. 3 22 Jun 2011 | 06:52 am
In case you didn’t already know, I am fan of infographics…. Via: Related posts: The More You Know… (insert shooting star here) The More You Know… Pt. 2 Egg Fucker (alternate title: ...
Stoya! Today! Meet Her! 25 Mar 2011 | 04:23 am
It’s no secret that I have a huge porn-crush on Stoya. I’ve been in lust/love with her ever since I “discovered” her porn and meeting her at AVN was definitely one of the highlights of my trip. Now it...
Inked Mag gets “NSFW” 10 Feb 2011 | 06:40 am
Have you seen the newest issue of INKED Magazine yet? It is their Sex issue and the the “NSFW” pictorial features a few familiar faces! Skin! Tori Lux! Krysta Kaos! You can check out the full artic...