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Last Night Was Mad Real- KKN Season 3 Premiere: Can Love & Hip Hop Work in a Relationship?! 13 Jan 2012 | 07:04 am
If you missed KKN’s season 3 premiere last night you missed out! The show was bananas! Sex came up, relationships came up, where the hell Somaya Reece is came up, and whether Jim Jones & Yandy are...
Guess Who’s Bizack! KKN Season 3 Coming SOON! 11 Jan 2012 | 09:02 am
So… tell the truth.. The last few weeks have been a bore without your daily dose of Kandi Koated Nights! Well, we understand. Which is why we are TOO excited about this new season popping off this Wed...
2011 Kandi Koated Nights Finale-One Word, WOAH! 23 Dec 2011 | 10:03 am
There is one word to describe the 2011 finale show for KKN that aired last night… WOAH! With the year coming to an end it was only right that the crew went out with a bang! They chose a very VERY touc...
Well Lets Get The House Rules Out of the Way 23 Dec 2011 | 06:42 am
Whats up KKN crew!!! Welcome to the first official blog for the livest Internet show airing right now..say it with me.. Kandi Koated Nights! That’s right, every week I’ll be hitting you up with exclus...
Happy Holiday’s From KKN & Fish & Boots A.K.A. Don Vito 21 Dec 2011 | 03:35 pm
Make sure you all log on to kkn tomorrow night as it will be our last live show of the year and we are going out with a bang our topic is “If you fell in love with someone and found out they were a t...
Welcome to Kandi Koated Night 5 Aug 2011 | 09:19 am
Welcome everyone, please check out the show every Wednesday night at 10:30pm EST.