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8th March; Today is the German chemist and Nobel laureate Otto Hahn's happy birthday 8 Mar 2013 | 03:13 pm
All of we know the name of the famous scientist Otto Hahn. 8th March is his happy birthday. He was born on 8th March in 1879 and died on 28th July in 1968. The famous German chemist was a pioneer in ...
8th March; International Women's Day 8 Mar 2013 | 01:53 pm
8th March is called International Women's Day (IWD). International Women's Day has been celebrated since the early 1900's. The focus of the celebrations is general celebration of respect, love towards...
15th of February, 2013 : A space eventful day 22 Feb 2013 | 03:15 pm
Let's call 15th of February, 2013 a space eventful day. On that day A large asteroid passed from south very close to the earth. The name of the asteroid was 2012 DA14. The closest distance between the...
Today is Nicolaus Copernicus' 540th Birth day 19 Feb 2013 | 06:42 pm
Today is Nicolaus Copernicus' 540th Birth day.Copernicus is considered the founder of modern astronomy. Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance astronomer and mathematician. Copernicus first formulated...
On 15th Feb 2013: An Asteroid will pass within 27,000 km of Earth 12 Feb 2013 | 03:45 pm
A huge Asteroid is approaching towards Earth and on 15th February 2013 it will come as close as 27,680 km from Earth which is less than 3.5 Earth radius. The size of the rocky asteroid is approximatel...
You must watch: Moonless nights during Leonid meteor shower 2012 17 Nov 2012 | 08:43 am
Leonid meteor shower is the most famous and intense meteor shower. This year, annual event of Leonid meteor shower can be seen on 16-17th November 2012. Leonid meteor shower is visible towards the con...
Today is world photography day 19 Aug 2012 | 07:19 pm
Today, 19th August, is World Photography Day. World Photography Day project was first launched in 2009 and from 2010, it was started to be celebrated globally. Now the day became global celebration o...
Alice in wonderland 15 May 2012 | 09:48 pm
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carrollan in 1865. Original post blogged on b2evolution.