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Vbulletin 4 display different text for different visitor’s computer language 25 May 2013 | 03:27 pm
If the visitor is from USA, the visitor’s computer language is en-us, or en; if the visitor is from France, the language is fr; if this visitor is from China, the language is zh-cn… Sometimes we do no...
X-cart v4.4.0 shows Customer Feedback at header 10 Mar 2013 | 09:55 am
How to show Customer Feedback at header of detailed product page? 1. Go to skin/common_files/modules/Customer_Reviews/, creat a filed called vote_reviews_header.tpl, and open it. 2. Add the following ...
How to add sub domains at another web hosting? 3 Mar 2013 | 07:41 pm
I want to run at a vps from hostgator, and to run at aother shared web hosting from hostgator also, and do not use redirect to achieve this. We a...
WordPress Twenty Twelve change Continue reading to post title 10 Feb 2013 | 05:19 am
The default template of Twenty Twelve shows “Continue reading” at homepage, or category page. How to change “Continue reading” to post title? Edit content.php, this file is just under the template of ...
Remove Any Unnecessary Files of WordPress 19 Jan 2013 | 07:41 am
How can we remove the /wp-includes/js/comment-reply.js?ver=20090102 script tag? 2 steps: first edit wp-includes/functions.php, add the follow code at the end of functions.php: function clean_header(){...
WordPress 3.5 Plugin Update Errors 22 Dec 2012 | 05:30 am
I have a blog installed under xampp, and I am using windows 7 system. Today I updated my wordpress based blog to wordpress 3.5. There are some errors, all about wordpress plug-in. I met the following ...
How to Get Customers Full Name from Magento? 1 Dec 2012 | 07:01 pm
We can use mysql to get customers’ full name, you can add customer’s email also by using mysql clause, for example, we need to search 10,000 customers from Canada, and save the result a to a new table...
2 useful skills of Vbulletin Version 4 6 Nov 2012 | 01:00 am
Here let me share my 2 useful skills about Vbulletin Version 4. 1. members that have visited the forum today for unregistered users also; 2. Similar Threads not show up For first question, do as follo...
2 SEO Skills on WordPress 10 Sep 2012 | 04:43 pm
Here let me share 2 skills on wordpress seo. The default method of a post read more is usally shows as “read more…”, or “Continue reading”. This is very bad for our seo purpose. We all know that we’d ...
How to use mysql to remove the hyperlink and remain with the text? 10 Jul 2012 | 08:03 am
If you have a lot of articles, and there some hyperlinks here and there, it will be very difficult for us to remove them one by one. For example, you have about 10,000 articles, if you check each arti...