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When does a learner have TOO much information? 3 May 2013 | 03:39 pm
As every teacher worth their salt knows, it is important to grade language when teaching English. In other words, we can’t give a pre-intermediate student the word ‘vessel’ because they won’t know h...
Languagelab Life in English City – by Anatoly, learner from Russia 30 Apr 2013 | 04:28 pm
One of our excellent learners, Anatoly, has created a beautiful slideshow presentation to show variety of General English classes at The slideshow includes music, illustrations, pic...
Teaching: Justifying activities to your students 30 Apr 2013 | 03:38 pm
Teachers of English often find a tension between what the student wants and what they, the trained professionals, believe will work for them and genuinely improve their English. Teachers are suspici...
Languagelab speaking at Oiltech Atyrau (Kazakhstan) 17 April 2013 16 Apr 2013 | 04:13 pm
Tom Symonds, CEO of, will be speaking on ‘Virtual training for local content’ at Oiltech Atyrau in Kazakhstan, 17 April 2013. The 7th Atyrau regional petroleum technology conference,...
Languagelab & BridgeBrazil working with AMCHAM 15 Apr 2013 | 08:09 pm
We’re proud to announce that we are working with the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) in partnership with BridgeBrazil. From the end of this month will be offering AMCHAM employ...
Looking at difficult or controversial topics with your students 25 Feb 2013 | 11:34 pm
Decisions over whether or not a topic is controversial or even taboo are usually based around cultural and religious sensitivities. How do we decide on whether or not a topic needs careful considera...
What is it OK to ask people from different countries? 27 Jul 2012 | 08:50 pm
An international online community calls for an international team. However, of course with international teams and communities we all need to work a little harder to understand each other; not only ...
Anyone for Dogme? 14 Jul 2012 | 12:10 am
At the moment I’m experiencing different types of philosophy and methodology and find myself developing as a teacher. I once taught English Literature in a ‘lecture’ style, then fun but serious Englis...
Experiencing A Virtual World 3 Jul 2012 | 10:28 pm
*Thud* -that’s what I heard when I first tried to use my avatar to walk around English City as I kept bumping into the walls and furniture. It’s an unusual experience entering a virtual world for the ...
Co-teaching: Principles and Practices 28 Jun 2012 | 12:40 am
I recently had the pleasure of co-teaching with two other teachers. Co-teaching is one of the many ways to deliver or create a learning environment. The definition is in the word: there are two or mo...