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IR Laser pointer spot is not dot 27 Aug 2013 | 03:22 pm
Hi I am trying to make 500mW IR laser pointer. I ordered LCU80E041A diodes. and 9-18-21mm lenses. I believe I successfully drive the diode. But when I focus the beam to a 30m target the spot that I g...
16340 battery where to buy ? 27 Aug 2013 | 01:41 pm
HI Where can I find a 16340 battery for my laser with quality ? There's from Sanyo Panasonic, or Sony ??? Opinions :thanks: Best regards ;)
CNI PGL-RG-655/532 200mw (Poor man's yellow)! 27 Aug 2013 | 09:58 am
I first want to thank DJNY for the GB and everything he has done with being the middle man! I finally got my hands on the PGL-RG-655/532 200mw from CNI. So I am writing up a review on it because this...
Cree XM-L U2 26650 Flashlight REVIEW 27 Aug 2013 | 07:54 am
Hey guys, So as promised I have purchased more flashlights since IE has forced me into this flashlight hobby (JK IE, you just exposed me to it ;)). I bought two lights, one might be good as a laser h...
How could it be possible??? 27 Aug 2013 | 07:30 am
Friends: Perhaps it is a supernewbie question but how could be possible that two green lasers, one reading 151 mW and another 377 mW, both on a LaserBee A 2W, the one with 151mW burnt easily a match ...
How could be that possible??? 27 Aug 2013 | 07:25 am
Friends: Perhaps it is a supernewbie question but how could be possible that two green lasers, one reading 151 mW and another 377 mW, both on a LaserBee A 2W, the one with 151mW burnt easily a match ...
WTB 26650 batteries 27 Aug 2013 | 07:20 am
hey everyone, currently i am building an MS-SSW 9mm at 2.2 amps, ive searched and searched for batteries and i came to the trustfire 26650 batteries that Blord reviewed, but then i read a few thread...
a mighty WASSAP from the nothingness of Indiana 27 Aug 2013 | 06:45 am
hello from sunny- no, that's not right. interesting-no, not that either. well... hello from boring ol' Indiana! I'm not new to these forums really- I have been coming here for ~2 years, and i have had...
520nm Vs. 532nm 27 Aug 2013 | 06:24 am
let me first start off by saying this isnt really meant to be a full review- this is mainly to show the color difference between 532nm and 520nm. it really amazes me how such a small increment can mak...
Co2 laser: what tube ? 27 Aug 2013 | 04:52 am
Hi, I want to build a co2 laser but on ebay there is "engraver tubes" and just "tube" I want to know if there is a difference between both. :thinking: