Learnelectricguitarnow - learnelectricguitarnow.net - Learn Electric Guitar

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Best Electric Guitar Strings 14 Sep 2010 | 10:17 am
What are the best strings for electric guitar? One of the most common question I get about electric guitars – from beginners as well as more advanced players – is this: “What are the best electric gu...
How Long Does It Take To Learn Guitar 12 Sep 2010 | 10:30 am
Learning electric guitar – how long does it take? Answering this frequently asked question is almost like answering “how long is a piece of string?” There are so many variables involved that it is c...
Strumming Patterns 4 Aug 2010 | 11:19 am
Strumming patterns for guitar beginners One of the very first things – if not the first thing – you want to wrap your hands around as you begin to learn electric guitar, is to understand and be comfo...
Left Handed Guitars 30 May 2010 | 07:59 pm
Left with a right handed guitar? Please raise your dominant hand all budding electric guitar players out there! Good, I see we have a few who is left handed. Anything else would have been quite a sur...
Overcoming Stage Fright 25 May 2010 | 04:33 pm
Learning by doing One of the best ways to educate yourself in the complex art and skills of guitar playing is without a doubt to play with other musicians or perform in front of an audience. When yo...
Guitar Barre Chords 23 May 2010 | 03:30 pm
A barre chord lesson Make no mistake about it – a barre chord, or bar chord as it is also (although incorrectly) called, can be a real challenge to all budding electric guitar players. It should go ...
Good Beginner Electric Guitar 29 Mar 2010 | 11:24 am
Finding the best beginner electric guitars online Today, seeking out a really good beginner electric guitar is virtually a breeze. However, finding beginner electric guitars with great, consistent b...
Guitar Sustain 25 Jan 2010 | 11:05 am
Electric Guitar Sustain – How and Why? Properly executed and controlled guitar feedback/sustain is perhaps one of the most sought after skills in lead guitar playing. When you first begin to learn e...
How To Sound Like… 11 Jan 2010 | 07:26 am
How To Play Like Your Favorite Guitarist One of the most frequent guitar related questions we get goes something like this: “How do I sound like (insert name here)?”; or “how do I get my equipment to...
Learn Electric Guitar 13 Nov 2009 | 10:34 am
Thinking back, I can vividly remember how bad I wanted to learn electric guitar skills. You know – probably just your average teenager at the time, with a deep passion and burning desire to become a g...