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Property Condition When Selling A Property 10 May 2013 | 12:55 am
When you plan on selling a property, it’s important to remember that most buyers will have to take out a mortgage to buy your property. When a mortgage company or bank looks to help finance a propert...
Don’t End Up In Fair Housing Jail! 9 Apr 2013 | 11:05 pm
Title: Don’t End Up in Fair Housing Jail! Karen Deis, Publisher, www.MortgageCurrentcy.com & Tammy Butler, www.OptimaBlue.com Here’s a story that is happening more and more as the CFPB hires more pe...
Have The Regulators Seen Their Shadows? 19 Mar 2013 | 09:23 pm
Have the Regulators Seen their Shadow? Karen Deis, Publisher, www.MortgageCurrentcy.com – View free video blog on home page. Well, it seems like the agencies have “seen their shadow” and crawled back ...
So, What’s This About a Social-Media Quality Control Plan and Your Mortgage Business? (FFIEC) 5 Feb 2013 | 07:16 pm
Social Media & Mortgage Marketing – FFIEC Proposed Rule By: Karen Deis, Publisher, www.MortgageCurrentcy.com So, what’s this about the social media quality control, mortgage marketing and the FFIEC? ...
Big Brother is Watching – Joint Venture between FHFA and CFPB to Monitor the Mortgage Market 2 Jan 2013 | 07:52 pm
Joint Venture between FHFA and CFPB to Monitor the Mortgage Market! A new national mortgage database is being created to provide the ability to track and monitor various topics. Some of the ways this...
Just So There’s No Misunderstanding–Mortgage Rules & FAQ’s 12 Dec 2012 | 12:06 am
Title: Just So There’s No Misunderstanding By: Karen Deis, Publisher, MortgageCurrentcy.com Before I get started with the updates for December, what I’ve noticed over the last few months is that Fann...
FHA Mortgage Program: Popular Among First Time Home Buyers 12 Nov 2012 | 09:58 am
The FHA mortgage program has become a very popular mortgage program with first time home buyers. Home buyers do have many options with mortgage programs when looking to get pre-approved, but the FHA ...
With Refinance Booming, VA Loan Volume Hits 18-Year High 17 Oct 2012 | 09:27 pm
VA loan volume hit an 18-year high in the fiscal year that ended in September, according to data recently released by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The significant increase — both historical and...
What Do NMLS, FHA Condos, HARP & USDA have in common? 10 Oct 2012 | 07:16 pm
Title: What do NMLS, FHA Condos, HARP and USDA have in common? By: Karen Deis, Publisher, MortgageCurrentcy.com What do NMLS, FHA Condos, HARP and USDA have in common? All of them have had rule chan...
What you don’t know–can cost you a commission! 11 Sep 2012 | 11:06 pm
What You Don’t Know—Can Cost You a Commission! By: Karen Deis, Publisher, MortgageCurrentcy.com Before I get started on the mortgage rule and regulation updates from the last 30 days, I wanted to ment...