Libretea - - for loose leaf 'on the go'

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10 Ideas for the Last Week of Summertime Fun & Giveaway 24 Aug 2013 | 12:38 am
Summer is a great time to adventure, picnic, swim, hike. Have you been enjoying your summer? With a week left for you and your family and friends to enjoy the holidays before they head back to schoo...
June and July 2013 Reviews 21 Aug 2013 | 04:32 am
Inspired Life Health Centre in #Toronto ON has reviewed the Libre Tea Glass’n Poly Glass - Randi from A Lucky Ladybug reviewed the Libre Original and says, “this a cute way to carry your tea everywhe...
How Libre Leading Lights are Chosen 16 Aug 2013 | 11:53 pm
Last week we introduced you to the Libre Leading Lights Program ; shared how our new Leading Lights enjoy their Libre Tea Moments. This week we want to know if you know someone or are you a Libre love...
Introducing the Libre Leading Lights 9 Aug 2013 | 11:52 pm
Wendy and the Libre Team are excited to introduce to you – Libre Leading Lights! We know there are many people Leading with Light and doing great things to evolve our world to a sustainable and peace...
Celebrating 5 Years of Giving 2 Aug 2013 | 11:00 pm
Thursday, August 1st we celebrated 5 years in business! We are very appreciative of all of your support through the years to help Libre Tea succeed and we like to pay it forward to like-minded initiat...
Matcha Tea Moments and Treats with a So Delicious Giveaway! 27 Jul 2013 | 12:20 am
You’ve probably guessed by now we love Matcha – for its taste and health benefits! Enjoying a Matcha tea moment is a perfect way to start your day, giving you energy and vitality that lasts! If man h...
Healthy Matcha Tea Moments with Libre 20 Jul 2013 | 12:10 am
Have you ever tried Japanese Matcha tea? It’s one of the healthiest drinks around which makes it perfect for a tea moment! How is Matcha different from most teas? Approximately 3 weeks before harves...
Enjoying Peaceful Summertime Tea Moments 13 Jul 2013 | 12:09 am
With lots of outward action and playtime in the summer, now again we need some reflection time and peaceful tea moments to rejuvenate to get ready to play again. There are so many places to enjoy rel...
Staying cool in the heat! 6 Jul 2013 | 01:18 am
July has certainly come in with a bang bringing, in most cases, a lot of heat! I love summer and I love the heat but there are times when it is just too hot and I’m looking for a way to cool down. H...
Gratitude for Freedom (& Libre Giveaway) 29 Jun 2013 | 12:34 am
We are getting ready to celebrate Canada Day (July 1st) and Independence Day (July 4th). Most are planning to celebrate these days with family and friends enjoying picnics, barbecues, parades and wat...