Lithgow-schmidt -

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Fra Nordea til GnuCash 8 Feb 2009 | 12:33 pm
Her er mine erfaringer med at laver vores hjemmeregnskab med software applikation GnuCash (v2.2.9) og vores bank, Nordea. Hvis du har en konto med Nordea og har adgang til deres netbank løsning (som ...
GNU CAD on Linux? 16 Jan 2009 | 08:23 am
What's the status of CAD on linux? How can you import and export your CAD drawings to your Linux computer? Here's my story so far... I'm a keen user of Linux, Ubuntu since it came on the scene. I'm a...
Welcome to Duncan Lithgow's Website 12 Oct 2006 | 10:00 pm
Our Family - Vores Familie We were married in Denmark in 2003 at the town hall (currently only in Danish) We held a wedding party in New Zealand in 2004 Our son Sebastian Lithgow Schmidt was born i...