Litigationsupportguru - - Litigation Support Guru

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Quiz 4 – Litigation Support Game Show 13 Aug 2013 | 08:06 am
This quiz is formatted like a Game Show. It covers 5 categories: Technical, Project Management, eDiscovery, Best Practices and Litigation. The quiz can be attempted multiple times. Click on the red Qu...
What is Litigation Support? Trainer 12 Aug 2013 | 06:16 am
A career in litigation support encompasses multiple careers. This series of articles will describe how each plays a part in litigation support. Overall, litigation support can be described as: We assi...
What is Litigation Support? Marketer and Speaker 15 Jul 2013 | 06:48 am
A career in litigation support encompasses multiple careers. This series of articles will describe how each plays a part in litigation support. Overall, litigation support can be described as: We assi...
Podcast for Litigation Support Guru 2 Jul 2013 | 11:28 am
I am very excited to share with you that I have created a brand new podcast for the Litigation Support Guru community. I have been working on it for months and I am launching with several podcast epis...
What is Litigation Support? Vendor Management 3 Jun 2013 | 10:26 am
A career in litigation support encompasses multiple careers. This series of articles will describe how each plays a part in litigation support. Overall, litigation support can be described as: We assi...
What is Litigation Support? Help Desk / IT Support 17 May 2013 | 09:22 am
A career in litigation support encompasses multiple careers. This series of articles will describe how each plays a part in litigation support. Overall, litigation support can be described as: We assi...
Dinner with Litigation Support Newbies 10 May 2013 | 10:15 am
Last Friday I could just barely get through the work day. I was so excited. I was beaming all day. A few weeks earlier, I had arranged to have dinner with six of the graduates from Georgetown Universi...
What is Litigation Support? Legal Technology Expert 8 May 2013 | 07:59 am
A career in litigation support encompasses multiple careers. This series of articles will describe how each plays a part in litigation support. Overall, litigation support can be described as: We assi...
Let’s Learn from Jane Gennarelli 3 May 2013 | 10:45 am
There are some people in this industry that I followed when I was a newbie. Jane Gennarelli is one of them. I found Jane when she authored a product called Litigation Best Practices in a Box. Jane is ...
What is Litigation Support? Project Management 1 May 2013 | 09:05 am
A career in litigation support encompasses multiple careers. This series of articles will describe how each plays a part in litigation support. Overall, litigation support can be described as: We assi...