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My cunning plan that cannot fail. 16 Apr 2010 | 02:56 am
England, summer 2011. You me, and everyone we know (within reason). For: England by silly costume. Why, you ask? I have not read Harry Potter. I have watched the movies and have really enjoyed them. ...
Untitled 27 Feb 2010 | 03:44 pm
Untitled 18 Feb 2010 | 07:11 am
I am intrigued by my new Russian following.
Happpiness Void 5 Feb 2010 | 08:27 am
So, the 30 days of happiness trend did not result in an uptick of posting after the 30 days were up. Just an FYI.
happiness? 21 Jan 2010 | 11:29 am
The difficulty in internalizing things that don't go right, in viewing that everything is a learning experience is that when things start flying into the fan, is that you start realizing what you coul...
Untitled 16 Jan 2010 | 11:56 am
Happiness is: affirmation. FYI, I'm referring to the giving of affirmation. It makes me happy, but it takes thought and generally removal from normal time -- it's not always something you remember is...
Really, Really? 15 Jan 2010 | 09:44 am
Cuz, what have you done for me lately? I suppose the standards are higher for me. Because I am awesome. I can't deny that. But I can be upset that more people are not awesome.
Untitled 12 Jan 2010 | 08:50 am
Happiness is: braving the cold for vittles. That's what a fair chunk of my friends did. For some strange reason Texas decided that the night I chose for La Befana would be it's coldest in recent memo...
Untitled 7 Jan 2010 | 02:12 pm
Happiness is: setting a goal and accomplishing it. Now I get to go to Church Night. And my kitchen is clean!
Untitled 6 Jan 2010 | 08:47 am
Happiness is: using LJ more. Thanks avahasnoalias for suggesting this to folks, and then I copied their fun. I really had lulled at LJing and haven't taken the time to express myself in anything long...