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Love! Minami-Ke!!! (> v <)/ 21 Mar 2008 | 08:34 am
Minami-Ke ([Ayako] subbed/Xvid/avi) 1st season is the best! (as many fans criticized...) I read comics but I rather like anime version. ^^ Epi 01: Epi 02: h.....
[Novel] Utsukushii Koto by Konohara Narise 6 Mar 2008 | 11:48 am
I've just finished reading this series....and I LOVED it!!! There are part 1 and 2 and each has about 250 pages seems kinda big volume, but I think you don't care once you start to read the...
Having a difficulty in using IRC...(cry) 只の泣き言です。 8 Feb 2008 | 09:39 am
I know I am suck at using computer stuff...but IRC just makes me so confused all the time...! Everytime I tried to join a channel, I can't...I mean, Im denied...?? I don't understand why...even though...
Victorian Romance Emma by Mori Kaoru 27 Jan 2008 | 08:58 am
[jp] Raw Manga vol.1: vol.2: vol.3: http://www....
My Recommended Novel and Anime BACCANO! 18 Jan 2008 | 02:14 pm
This is VERY interesting anime which is based on novels. I highly recommend this anime and novels! Enjoy~. ^^ (Links are all MU or MF only. It is impossible for me to re-upload or use other file uploa...
[JP-raw] When A Man Loves A Man Series by Youka Nitta 3 Aug 2007 | 07:19 am
Recently I read "When A Man Loves A Man" series written by Youka Nitta and also listened to drama CDs. Hmmm...I think I loved them! ^^ (笑) They're very interesting. However, one thing I didn't like w....
Random Raw-Anime Links Part 3 (Summer New Anime!) 11 Jul 2007 | 10:10 pm
Summer New Anime are just started~. I think some of them are much interesting than I expected. ^^ As previously mentioned, I would not be able to re-upload the dead links because I usually delete the ...
Random Raw-Anime Links Part 2 29 May 2007 | 08:50 pm
No Re-Upload, thank you~. OverDrive04 OverDrive 05 OverDrive 06 OverDrive 07 http:...
Random Raw-Manga Links 25 Apr 2007 | 07:19 pm
Here's random raw-manga links. Grab as much as you want, but pls remember that I'm not going to re-upload the dead links. Enjoy~!^^ (The links will be increasing...) Yamada Yugi Saigo no Doa wo Shim....
Yakihama's Spring Anime Recommendation♪^^ 20 Apr 2007 | 04:46 am
As you all know, bunch of anime has came out in this Spring (about 53anime). Of course I don't watch all of them, but I can tell you which anime I like and I hope this recommendation would help you to...