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Why Would this Single Man Leave this Married Woman? Hello? 3 Jul 2009 | 11:30 pm
You know, sometimes the third sentence makes you spit out your Irish oatmeal with the blueberries in it. Today was one of those days. I have been dating this young guy for almost 5 months. Our relatio...
Why Such a “Friend”-ly Introduction? 1 Jul 2009 | 11:30 pm
A reader named Tara is with a guy…except in front of his pals. Does this mean Booty Call? Well…maybe. What does it mean when the guy you are with introduces you to his buddies as “my friend”? As is “...
Paging Mrs. Robinson 29 Jun 2009 | 11:30 pm
Well, kookookachoo, Mrs. Robinson. A reader, cleverly named, “I so want to rock his cradle” wants to…you know…rock a young man’s cradle. But she didn’t start it. He’s been showing interest in HER. And...
How Long to Wait for It? 26 Jun 2009 | 11:30 pm
A reader who’s Feeling Frisky wants to understand how long you have to wait on the sex before you can be reasonably sure a guy isn’t only in it for the sex. Oh sure, a nice simple one for Friday. She...
Paging Dr. Jeckyl… 24 Jun 2009 | 11:30 pm
A reader named Aleta wants to know what it means when a guy is nice for a couple of days, and then in the light of the full moon, he becomes a weredouche. What might this mean? Let’s find out… Okay…I ...
Why Would He Have a Mistress for FOUR Years?? 22 Jun 2009 | 11:30 pm
Aaaaaand, we’re back. Sorry for the interruption, folks. The new version of WordPress made it all cattywampus for me to format things properly. I hope you’ve used the time away wisely. Gosh, I know I ...
We are Experiencing Technical Difficulties… 15 Jun 2009 | 11:30 pm
This is a test of the emergency Manslations system. This is only a test. If this were an actual Manslations emergency…er…oh, there really aren’t any of those, so nevermind. Hi there, Manslatees. It’s ...
She Got A Call From Her Ex’s Pal? 12 Jun 2009 | 11:30 pm
A reader named Tatum broke up with her ex about a year ago. And a funny thing started happening a few months ago. Not funny ha-ha, per se. Or funny strange, really. But it happened, though. Oh, it hap...
Is this Delivery Man Looking to Drop Off a Package? 10 Jun 2009 | 11:30 pm
Maria has a delivery guy who she believes is interested. In her, I’m saying. Not just “generally interested in things.” Why would she write to me about that? Come on, people. Anyway, she just wants th...
How For Real is the Future Talk? 8 Jun 2009 | 11:30 pm
A reader named Betsy wants to understand what a man’s talking about when he says all that stuff about “not believing that people are meant to be with one person…etc.” Always a dealbreaker? Nope, not a...