Mattparnell - - The One And Only Matt

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Nightingale, Life, and More! 17 Oct 2011 | 10:30 am
It's been far too long since I posted here! Since I last did, I've graduated college, gotten a job, left that job, picked up development on an opensource project, and many other things in between.I gr...
Contemplating My Need for A Virtual Private Server 2 Aug 2010 | 12:15 pm
Have you ever considered using a virtual private server? They are nice, because you do maintain full control, with a peace of mind about not having to really deal with the hardware whatsoever, or even...
Original XBox - No eeprom? No valid XBox Partition Table? NO PROBLEM! 28 Jul 2010 | 06:34 am
I know this is really pretty late, considering that I'm tinkering on an old original XBox. I got it at a garage sale for $35 with 4 controllers and the DVD kit...I figured it was a fun toy.As soon as ...
Moving Twice, Being Busy, Failing Over A Hard Drive 15 Jul 2010 | 08:26 pm
It seems that I haven't posted in ... well, way too long. I do have excuses. I've had my share of fun and projects, but my summer started with a 3 week choir tour, before which I was moving the first ...
KDE3 and QT3 Fixes for Firefox Using gtk-qt-engine 12 Jan 2010 | 10:50 am
Well, gtk-qt-engine isn't supporting KDE3 in new versions, and most people have forgotten KDE3 and moved on to the piece of crap KDE4. I use KDE3/QT3, and like gtk-qt-engine. I had a few issues with t...
Keep Our Web Free: Stop Rick Boucher's Attack On Internet Ads 1 Dec 2009 | 10:31 am
Without ads, this site, as well as others like Digg, Facebook, Google, various blogs, and the ever popular cheezburger sites like LOLCats would die.The bill Rick Boucher is attempting to pass would ma...
Recent Goings On - Magazine Articles, Linux, SEO, and School 12 Nov 2009 | 09:59 am
Well, I was unkowingly featured in Linux Format ( issue 124 in a way, as they mentioned my apt-fast script in the article Make Linux Faster, Lighter, and More Powerful (h...
FREE McDonald's 2009 Monopoly Codes 12 Oct 2009 | 02:49 am
I just discovered 3 free codes. One requires facebook. All of this is sourced from this blog ( It has other good info about...
My Current Boot Time in Linux - 12s after Post 29 Sep 2009 | 11:04 am
Using 2.6.31-zen2 with the BTRFS filesystem, as well as running without an initrd and having all of my modules compiled in with a kernel size of 630kb uncompressed, I can say my machine is good in lat...
In Honor of the Current WootOff: Bag of Crap Alarm Version 0.02 23 Sep 2009 | 09:58 pm
WOOTOFF!Ever since woot changed their design, my script has been broken. Since we have a wootoff going on now, I've refined and updated it so that once more it works.I've removed a feature in the publ...