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Principal’s Message – Welcome back 17 Jan 2012 | 11:29 pm

On behalf of MCHEMT it’s my pleasure to extend a very special welcome to all our new and also to all our returning students. As you take the time to read through this letter, I would like to draw your...

Love Music? Yes, Check out the Flowd – The Music Social Network 1 Dec 2011 | 10:30 pm

Social Media has become a part of our daily lives and it is difficult to escape it. I say, if you can’t beat them, then join them. Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc are changing the way w...

Steve Jobs 7 Oct 2011 | 06:53 pm

The premature demise of this iconic person has left a gaping hole in the hearts and minds of not just Apple enthusiasts but everyone who believed in technology and user experience. I for one cannot b...

New Academic Year 8 Sep 2011 | 08:32 pm

Welcome all students, old and new, to the 2011/2012 academic year  at MCHEMT. I hope that you have enjoyed your summer vacation and that you are looking forward to starting the new semester with enthu...

Work Hard but Play Harder! 28 Jul 2011 | 11:23 pm

From the Principal’s Desk: Philip I Lewis, Firstly I would I wish all students who have entered for examinations this semester all the very best of luck. Our first results from the post graduate ABP ...

What Employers Want? 28 Jul 2011 | 11:18 pm

Raman Singh Mac is Head of Marketing at Manchester College of Higher Education and Media Technology shares how private colleges are more geared to provide skills and vocational training required by mo...

Overhaul of UK student visas 9 Jun 2011 | 04:22 am

Details on the latest changes to the UK student visa system introduced to prevent abuse of the student immigration system Tougher entry criteria, limits on work entitlements and the closure of the po...

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