Metah - - Metah AS3 Tutorials - Adobe Flash, Flex, AIR

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Hello World! With AS3 in FlashCS3 12 Jan 2008 | 10:00 am

Our first approach of ActionScript 3.0 within Adobe Flash CS3. We will see how to create a new object from a class in the timeline and how to interact with a movieClip in Flash CS3. Dedicated to beg...

Playing Flash Video (FLV) with AS3 6 Sep 2007 | 08:00 am

Displaying an FLV, handling his resolution (Width and Height). Video playing only with AS3 language, no use of FLV Player components.

Interaction between AS3 and JavaScript 16 Jul 2007 | 08:00 am

Controlling ActionScript 3.0 via JavaScript and JavaScript via ActionScript 3.0. Easier than expected!

Connecting AS3 with a Database 8 Jul 2007 | 08:00 am

Sending and receiving values to/from a database with Flash CS3 and actionscript 3.0. Using a server sided technologie(in this example php).

Tracking the Cursor Position 1 Apr 2007 | 08:00 am

Event listening of a Mouse Cursor leaving the Stage Area with AS3 and tracking specific function. How to know when the mouse leave outside the SWF.

Compute Audio Spectrum 20 Jan 2007 | 10:00 am

Computing an audio spectrum, with SoundMixer.computeSpectrum() . Then we display a different color for the right and the left audio channel.

Xml & Actionscript 3.0 20 Jan 2007 | 10:00 am

How to load an XML with the new URLLoader & URLRequest. Some simple examples of using E4X for node and attributes searching (XPath), using AS3 in Flex 2.0.

AS3 Animation - The Timer Class 20 Jan 2007 | 10:00 am

Creating a custom class for MovieClips, using getter and setter on properties. Using the Timer Class to count the time elapsed: animating Movieclip.

Introduction to Loop and Event in AS3 6 Sep 2006 | 08:00 am

Following our first tutorial (Hello World with AS3 in Flash CS3), this video will show you the basis of event handling, conditional statements (if - else if - else) to create a simple fake login syste...

Deepth of MovieClip with setChildIndex in AS3 11 Aug 2006 | 08:00 am

How to display movieClips on the stage. How to control them with ActionScript 3.0 Managing the depth of MovieClips with setChildIndex.

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