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Template:ga/TCS-Custom-Tour/c 2 Feb 2012 | 02:14 pm
Edited once by coreyg1145 words added, 21 words removed145 words added, 21 words removed... Custom product tour for product development Custom product tour for customer support Custom product tour fo...
ga/TCS-Custom-Tour/thank-you 2 Feb 2012 | 02:10 pm
Edited once by coreyg1145 words added, 21 words removed145 words added, 21 words removed... //add email addy to header $('.top_contact').html('1-866-MINDTOUCH').after(' Chat with us ').after(' info@m...
toolkit/ccms 2 Feb 2012 | 02:09 pm
Edited once by coreyg1145 words added, 21 words removed145 words added, 21 words removed... //add email addy to header $('.top_contact').html('1-866-MINDTOUCH').after(' Chat with us ').after(' info@m...
User:coreyg1 2 Feb 2012 | 02:09 pm
Edited 6 times by coreyg193 words added, 108 words removed (coreyg1)2 words added, 2 words removed (coreyg1)Reverted to earlier version; 19 words added, 150 words removed (coreyg1)146 words added, 24 ...
User:coreyg1 2 Feb 2012 | 01:59 pm
Edited 3 times by coreyg11071 words added, 7 words removed (coreyg1)169 words added, 10 words removed (coreyg1)63 words added, 76 words removed (coreyg1)1217 words added, 7 words removed{{... meta.au...
Template:ga/TCS-Custom-Tour/persona/content/xmetal 13 Dec 2011 | 01:25 pm
Edited once by allisond2 words added, 1 words removed2 words added, 1 words removed Breathe New Life into XMetal Effortless Authoring and publishing with dynamically organizing content and unbreakable...
Template:ga/TCS-Custom-Tour/persona/content/CHM 13 Dec 2011 | 01:24 pm
Edited once by allisond3 words added, 2 words removed3 words added, 2 words removed MindTouch Takes CHM Into The Cloud Era CHM Importing Dynamically related and organizing content BehavioralBehavorial...
Template:ga/TCS-Custom-Tour/persona/content/context-sensitive-help 13 Dec 2011 | 01:23 pm
Edited once by allisond3 words added, 2 words removed3 words added, 2 words removed Turn Newbies into Ninjas and Drive User Adoption F1: Cloud contextual help system BehavioralBehavorial Analytics Upd...
Template:ga/TCS-Custom-Tour/persona/content/authoring 13 Dec 2011 | 01:23 pm
Edited once by allisond3 words added, 2 words removed3 words added, 2 words removed Better Docs, Faster with MindTouch Dynamically related and organizing content BehavioralBehavorial Analytics F1: Clo...
Template:ga/TCS-Custom-Tour/persona/content/author-it 13 Dec 2011 | 01:22 pm
Edited once by allisond2 words added, 1 words removed2 words added, 1 words removed Better Help and Docs, Faster Effortless Authoring and publishing with dynamically organizing content and unbreakable...