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Vicky’s Wines happy in England with @BoroughWines & @SmilingGrape 22 Aug 2013 | 02:34 am
Louisa for Borough Wines, cool representative of Vicky’s Wines. Here at the London Wine Fair afterwork. Smiling Matt, owner of Smiling Grape, was convinced by Vicky’s wines at the London Wine Fair. ...
Bordeaux Rosé & Clairet with #Yelp Elite Paris! 8 Aug 2013 | 05:40 pm
It was the beginning of the summer in Paris, we really wondered if it would happen, rosés wine cases were getting impatient. The moody summer is however making some happy, starting first at Loustic co...
#Beaujolais in #Languedoc. Fleurie at the heart of Carcassonne ! 5 Aug 2013 | 03:46 am
It is summer time and we are lucky. The “Cité de Carcassonne” is standing proud on the hill, we are at the height of the season and it looks like a joyous ant-hill in which ants would be cicadas… fed ...
New York at Spring Time with Gabriella Wines #vickyinNYC 5 Jun 2013 | 09:26 pm
I was suddenly called in New York by my importer Gabriella Wines. The goal was to be part of the Burgundy Wine Week, they organised for the second time this May. I finally left before the event, logic...
Bordeaux and Clairet wine labels all printed, wines are ready! #vinsdeVicky 31 May 2013 | 04:31 pm
That’s it, After 6 months between the wine selection and wine label design, wines are a few hours away from being ready! Thank you all that voted for the bordeaux rosé label – here is your final choic...
Sunshine in our glass: fête des crus 2013 in Brouilly & Côte de Brouilly #Beaujolais 1 May 2013 | 04:04 pm
8 days in Beaujolais, impressive temperature differences going from 25°C to 5°C and all the shade of blue you can imagine in a very grumpy sky. If the preparation of Fête des Crus was with the sunshin...
Drink Well in Beaujolais : Bien Boire en Beaujolais 2013 10 Apr 2013 | 10:13 pm
This Monday, Bien Boire en Beaujolais made some good noise in the region, winemakers in shape and rain boots on our feet at Cercié & Saint Lager at the heart of Beaujolais-Villages. Even though the me...
Bien Bu en Beaujolais, #BBBeaujolais 2013 10 Apr 2013 | 10:01 pm
Ce lundi, Bien Boire en Beaujolais battait son plein, vignerons en forme et bottes de pluie à Cercié et Saint Lager. Malgré la météo, de joyeux dégustateurs au rendez-vous : du Beaujolais et des 4 coi...
Le Provence de Vicky est sorti au domaine de l’Anticaille 10 Apr 2013 | 07:39 pm
Disponible en avant première en France sur Mon Vigneron jusqu’au 24 avril Après quelques jours pluvieux de trop, une halte en Provence. Ca tombe bien, me voici aujourd’hui en Provence pour profiter ...
Vicky’s Provence is out at domaine de l’Anticaille 10 Apr 2013 | 06:35 pm
After too many rainy days, a stop over Provence became required. That was my luck to be on the Provence road today, to enjoy the sunny wind of montagne Sainte Victoire and spend a few hours with Frédé...