Mistakesofyouth - mistakesofyouth.com - Mistakes of Youth: The Beast That Shouted "MOE~!" at the Heart of the World

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Delusions 28 Mar 2013 | 05:07 pm
Yeah, a new comic! Because I have time! It doesn’t look very good, though! But yeah, on the subject of not very good things, Eva Q wasn’t very good. You can read my review from several months ago her...
Lost Time 3 Oct 2012 | 08:28 pm
Hey! It’s been a while! Here’s a comic! As far as the artwork goes, it ain’t prefect, but I did kind of what I wanted to do. As far as the writing goes, between this comic and the last one I’ve been...
Pain 15 Aug 2012 | 02:47 am
Hey! It’s a comic! Between the last comic and this one I’ve done a bunch of living, and I kind of wanted to represent that experience in this comic. What I’m trying to illustrate in this comic is two...
Paradise 26 Mar 2012 | 03:52 pm
It’s gonna be a comic a month until I can make these things in under six hours. It’s fun, it’s just a lot of work! Anyway, here’s a comic about creepy stores in Akiba.
Paradise 26 Mar 2012 | 08:52 am
It’s gonna be a comic a month until I can make these things in under six hours. It’s fun, it’s just a lot of work! Anyway, here’s a comic about creepy stores in Akiba.
Deathpit 20 Feb 2012 | 12:50 am
Okay, so here’s another comic. These things actually take up a fair amount of my time, so I’m not sure how often I want to do one… maybe I should just keep making them until I get really fast at makin...
Deathpit 19 Feb 2012 | 03:50 pm
Okay, so here’s another comic. These things actually take up a fair amount of my time, so I’m not sure how often I want to do one… maybe I should just keep making them until I get really fast at makin...
My Wife 8 Feb 2012 | 02:02 am
Augh! I am so late! And this comic sucks, too! It’s not drawn well! I don’t even know if it’s funny! But it is based on something real: One time on Twitter I remarked that I liked slutty Mugi doujins...
My Wife 7 Feb 2012 | 05:02 pm
Augh! I am so late! And this comic sucks, too! It’s not drawn well! I don’t even know if it’s funny! But it is based on something real: One time on Twitter I remarked that I liked slutty Mugi doujins...
Love Me Love Me 11 Dec 2011 | 04:09 am
I don’t want to become one of those webcomic authors who has to constantly apologize for late updates, so I’m… not going to do that. I used to be concerned with how many visitors and stuff I get, but ...