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Please Hold 14 Aug 2009 | 05:18 am
To any loyal readers who are still checking in here, bless your heart! I haven't been updating in the past few weeks because, well, I'm pretty much devoting every waking second to my baby boy and my f...
Weekly Weigh-in: The Post-Baby Numbers Are In 23 Jul 2009 | 01:22 am
And the moment I've been waiting for since my pregnancy began last fall ... where am I restarting this weight loss journey from? The first time, back in January 2008, it was 238 lbs with a goal weight...
We Had the Baby! 13 Jul 2009 | 01:07 pm
After all these months (9, or maybe 90?), we have something to show for this big ol' pregnancy: a beautiful, healthy, perfect little baby boy. Please say hello to the newest member of the Get Fit fami...
Pregnancy's Easier When You're Fitter 6 Jul 2009 | 12:56 am
We all know there are many pluses to not being plus-sized. For me, one of the benefits of losing weight was experiencing a much easier pregnancy. With my first child, I started out my pregnancy aroun...
Fat Parents and Fat Kids 1 Jul 2009 | 02:56 am
One of the major reasons Mr. and I wanted to get fit in the first place was to be healthy role models for our children. We didn't want to be the "fat mom" or "fat dad," and we didn't want to raise kid...
Weekly Weigh-in: I'm Down? 30 Jun 2009 | 01:15 pm
We're in the home stretch of my seemingly neverending pregnancy, and I feel every bit of it. Especially all that wriggling around in my belly. It is so weird to see your child shifting and moving and ...
Weekly Weigh-in: It's Hot, I'm Not 25 Jun 2009 | 01:50 am
Nothing like being 9 months pregnant in late June in the Midwest. It's gettin' hot in here! I'm just trying to stay in the AC as much as possible. Would be nice if these 90s-plus highs would go away, ...
Mr., This One's for You 20 Jun 2009 | 01:44 am
As loyal readers already know, Mr. Get Fit has been on a hiatus from getting fit for the past few months. I don't want to speak for him, but I know he finds it nearly impossible to get motivated when ...
Weekly Weigh-in: Yay! 16 Jun 2009 | 11:54 pm
I can't believe it. For the first time in weeks, I didn't gain. I actually lost a little. Jay (currently on a "break") Starting weight: 301 pounds Current weight: ??? pounds Pounds lost this week: ? ...
Weekly Weigh-in: Six Weeks to Go 9 Jun 2009 | 01:46 am
Every time I think, maybe this week I'll just stay the same weight when I get on the scale, I am unpleasantly surprised. This week, no different. Ugh. Jay (currently on a "break") Starting weight: 30...