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Rules are rules, sort of 29 Apr 2009 | 07:56 am

The CBBF’s 2009 Canadian Natural Championships, formerly called the World’s Qualifier, were held on March 22nd in Montreal. The overall men’s winner was Dickens Lambert. But you wouldn’t know that fro...

Civil War in the IFBB? 10 Apr 2009 | 07:22 am

Contrary to popular belief, the IFBB has never been a sports federation. In the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, it was just a name used for their contests by Ben and Joe Weider. The IFBB did not really exist as ...

DDOS 21 Jan 2009 | 11:51 pm

MuscleMemory was down for many hours this evening due to a Distributed Denial of Service attack. Thanks for your emails of concern. (No I didn’t forget to pay the bill. But feel free to use the donati...

Ben Weider dies at 85 19 Oct 2008 | 06:21 am

Ben Weider, born February 1, 1923, died on Friday October 17, 2008, at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal.

Bigger, Stronger, Faster 1 Jul 2008 | 07:04 am

OK, I know I should try to post more. The reasons I’m not are the same as mentioned below. Too many other outlets. But I’m open to having others post here. If you want to write articles about current ...

100000 1 May 2007 | 09:09 am

Hey, it’s been a while. I just got bored writing “the results of ____ are now available”. And while I could have written about current events, such as who’s the latest to leave the IFBB for the PDI, o...

Hacked 24 Jul 2006 | 09:53 am

This morning, all sites hosted on the same computer as musclememory got hacked. The hackers used the backup/restore function in an old version of phpbb to replace all index.* files with one of their ...

New and Improved 27 Dec 2005 | 03:24 pm

I’ve moved MuscleMemory to a new ISP. Besides saving money, I have more resources to play with, more disk space, bandwidth, MySQL databases, php and tomcat. You might not see too many differences for ...

05 IFBB Worlds 30 Nov 2005 | 06:12 pm

Long before they’re posted on the IFBB website, I have the results of this weekend’s IFBB World Amateur Championships held in China. Not only that, I have the results of the Junior and Master’s World ...

Pat Arnold, Balco 6 Oct 2005 | 03:54 pm

Pat Arnold, of fame, as well as the person who first brought the andro products to market is in the news, and not in a good way: Federal agents raid Illinois lab linked to BALCO s...

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muscle memory, john grimek, Mr America, bryan harchuck, freddy antwi, ceyonne jones, rudy alosio, gene beloff, "dennis everly", mr universe in 1967

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