Muzika-balkan -

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Mega Update 10 Oct 2011 | 02:51 am
Recent updates on are the following in our first mega update package: Alen Slavica (description edit) Aleksandar Mežek (description edit) Marina Perazić (description edit) Vj...
Week Update 2 5 Sep 2011 | 07:20 am
Recent updates on are: Dara Bubamara (15 videos added) Zdravko Čolić (5 videos added) Saša Matić (1 video added) Vlatko Ilievski (6 videos added) Mišo Kovač (2 videos added)...
Week Update 1 30 Aug 2011 | 02:31 am
Recent updates on this past week are: Because of the new Cookie Law we have implemented a short term solution where we explain to you as a visitor that we have already stored 4 ...
Update 2 21 Aug 2011 | 08:06 am
Recent updates on are: Dado Topić (desription edit) Pro Arte (description edit) Psihomodo Pop (description edit, 19 videos added) Špela Grošelj (description edit) Atomik Har...
Update 20 Aug 2011 | 04:11 am
Recent updates on the site are: Cakana (new artist added) Magazin (new video added, description edit) Pro Arte (video removed) Bijelo Dugme (3 videos added) Aco Pejović (description edit) The li...
Blog Away 19 Aug 2011 | 01:45 am
Finally our blog has been created and we want to say thanks to our developer Damir Calusic for his helping hand. The main reason we decided to create this blog was that you all would be enabled to see...