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Should the US and UK intervene in Syria? 27 Aug 2013 | 04:10 pm
After the recent publicity of Syria's regime using chemical weapons, is it time for us to get drawn into this conflict as we did in Libya, or carry on watching from the sidelines? I genuinely have no...
HS2 yes or no????? 27 Aug 2013 | 04:04 pm
Well the HS2 debate seems to have dragged on forever, and apparently we've already spent nearly £1bn just talking about and drawing some diagrams :) So assuming it's not coming through your back gard...
erm an intro?? 27 Aug 2013 | 02:35 pm
HELLO Every one I am Alex and i am Social Media Marketing Manager in MAP-IT Inc and i am here to let you peoples introduce our services about Social Media marketing and SEO. MAP-IT Inc
Sincere opinion needed for a newly launched website 27 Aug 2013 | 01:21 pm
Hey guys, Straight to the point :) I need your opinion about a website we've recently launched. About the design, usability, information provided or things that you find important in a website like t...
My Intro. 27 Aug 2013 | 08:45 am
Hello to all, Have just joined this forum. I run my Avon business around the family. I am an Advanced Sales Leader and have a team of around 30 representatives. So that's me, I hope that it will be re...
Newbe 26 Aug 2013 | 12:26 pm
hello Everyone, This is scperioimplant new in this forum community. I am happy to join this MLF Community. Thanks, scperioimplant
Affiliation how does it work? 25 Aug 2013 | 03:09 pm
Say for example i might want to set up something similar to a local bargain finder and use the likes of ebay How do you monitor that someone has clicked through your site and then gone to the site yo...
Autumn Fair 1-4th September Birmingham NEC 24 Aug 2013 | 08:13 pm
Autumn Fair 2013 - the UK's largest gift fair of the season Anybody attending this unfortuantely i will not be able to make this one but if somebody is going i would like to ask if they could pick me...
Brandlicensing expo 15-17th october Londons Olympia Anybody else Attending 24 Aug 2013 | 08:10 pm
Brand Licensing Europe | Homepage Well i am definitely attending this one this year and wondered if anybody from this forum is?
Hello mylocalforums, TruVape salute you! 24 Aug 2013 | 11:28 am
Hello everyone. Thanks for stopping by our board here. We are an electronic cigarette company.Google TruVape you will find us. Have you heard electronic cigarette before? We hope that more people w...