Naomilitvin -

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Eternal Sunshine ... 7 Oct 2012 | 10:49 am
I'll be expanding the story line of We Never Lost Hope in my original screenplay adaptation. In preparation for this endeavor I am reading some screenplays of movies that I have especially enjoyed. ...
Sermon of the Century by Rabbi Schlomo Lewis of Atlanta 7 Oct 2012 | 08:40 am
A gigantic thanks to my twitter friend Edmond Sokol @DEMSnREPS2BLAME for sending this article my way -- via SodaHead Sermon of the Century delivered by Rabbi Schlomo Lewis of Atlanta by Raven Posted...
Happy Sukkot! 5773 30 Sep 2012 | 01:20 am
Happy Sukkot! thank you to G-dCast
exposing the cruelty of a psychopath? you'd better believe it! 29 Sep 2012 | 01:29 pm
Edith and Naomi Litvin Yom Kipper has come and gone. No amends have been made on the topic that I am discussing here: Yes, I was sure I wanted to remove the interviews of David Appletree (JIDF) from...
NGO Monitor Report on New Israel Fund 7 Sep 2012 | 06:54 am
Thank you to the NGO Monitor for the following report, and for making NGO's accountable! Homepage >> Resources >> NGO Monitor Reports NIF 2011 Funding: One Step Forward, One Step Back NGO Monito...
exposing the cruelty of a psychopath? never mind 20 Aug 2012 | 07:20 am
Yes, I am sure I want to delete this tweet, below. And while I am at it, I'd like to explain what goes through the mind of a daughter who is watching her mother die. Never mind that that mother was an...
J' Accuse 19 Aug 2012 | 12:08 pm
Naomi "Uploaded by garylucas on Jul 31, 2009" "On June 23rd and 24th 2009 at the Staadschouwburg in Amsterdam, Gary Lucas premiered his new live score for the Nederlands Filmmuseum's recently restor...
Free on Kindle 8/18/12 PST 17 Aug 2012 | 01:08 pm
My book is free on Kindle Saturday, August 18, 2012, PST. Please download a copy. You don't need to own a kindle, the application for any computer or device is also free. All facts in the book are doc...
Conversations with Naomi: Lady YMD: Ylond Miles-Davis 14 Aug 2012 | 10:45 am
Ylond Miles-Davis Life still brings some pleasant surprises in the form of new friends. Ylond Miles-Davis came into my life unexpectedly. This is Lady YMD, an artist with many talents. She sings, wri...
Breaking News! Former President of SEIU Local Indicted for stealing from union 2 Aug 2012 | 01:22 pm
hat tip to the US Department of Justice Former President of SEIU Local Indicted on Charges of Stealing Tens of Thousands of Dollars from Union and Failing to Report Income "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ju...