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A Natural Weight Loss Diet 3 Feb 2012 | 05:53 am
So you want to lose weight? And you want to do so without calorie counting, without pills or supplements, and you have decided that you don’t want to starve yourself. Is it possible? Of course it is...
About Isabel de los Rios 3 Feb 2012 | 03:59 am
Isabel De Los Rios is a certified nutritionist and exercise specialist who has already helped over 25,000 people all over the world lose incredible amounts of weight, regain their health and permanent...
How Do I Lose Weight? 26 Jan 2012 | 07:22 am
If only I knew the answer to this one! The quest for the Holy Grail is as nothing compared to the search for the best way to lose weight. Open any newspaper or magazine and you can’t escape the dozens...
Do I Need to Lose Weight? 21 Jan 2012 | 03:55 am
There is really no simple answer to this question, since so many variables affect different people. However, the method commonly used to determine if weight loss is required is by calculating an indiv...
Why is Weight Important? 20 Jan 2012 | 02:30 am
The Greeks were the first to recognize obesity as a medical disorder. Hippocrates (he of the famous oath ) wrote that “Corpulence is not only a disease itself, but the harbinger of others”. During mo...
Welcome to Natural Weight Loss Diet dot Net 4 Jan 2012 | 02:54 pm
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