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Gentoo Linux auf dem MacBook Pro 6,2 14 Aug 2012 | 11:53 pm

Bei der Installation von Gentoo Linux auf meinem MacBook Pro 6,2 bin ich über viele Fallstricke und Dinge gestolpert, die neu für mich waren. Dieser Artikel soll eine Sammlung von Tipps sein, die hoff...

TYPO3 benutzt dummy.php als returnUrl 26 Jul 2012 | 10:57 pm

TYPO3 arbeitet an manchen Stellen mit einem Parameter namens returnUrl. Dieser Parameter enthält die relative URI des zuvor geöffneten Dokuments und wird beispielsweise für die Weiterleitung auf eben ...

Firefox 4 ist langsam und hakt beim Scrollen 11 Apr 2011 | 04:55 am

Hand aufs Herz – Mozilla Firefox ist ein toller Browser. Ich kann mir meinen Arbeitsalltag ohne dieses feine Stück Software (insbesondere wegen der zahlreichen Erweiterungen dafür) kaum vorstellen. De...

PHP: making a file executable 24 Feb 2011 | 09:49 pm

The following little code snippet shows you how to change a files permissions to allow its owning user and group to read and execute it.

TYPO3 4.5, t3mootools and JSMin 11 Feb 2011 | 10:00 pm

If you are trying to open the backend module of t3mootools 1.3.0 in a TYPO3 4.5 installation you’ll probably notice that besides a PHP error (PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class JSMinException in ...

wget untar on the fly 22 Jan 2011 | 01:26 am

Downloading and extracting large tarballs usually takes plenty of time. Extracting tarballs during the their transfer reduces the waiting time because you a) don’t need to do wait for the transfer to ...

TemplaVoilà: Default content for empty fields 27 Nov 2010 | 12:48 am

Thanks to stdWrap doing this is quite easy: Edit the TemplaVoilà datastructure, search the field you want to fill with default content if it’s empty and look for it’s TypoScript configuration: <Typo...

Converting MBR Partition Tables to GPT 23 Sep 2010 | 09:54 pm

MSDOS MBR Partition Tables make it impossible to use Partitions larger than 2 TiB. This is a pitfall you maybe will be faced with after expension of a RAID array. The only solution is to convert the M...

Solr Multicore: Installation, Configuration 9 Sep 2010 | 11:48 pm

If you start Solr with the default configuration, there will be only one instance running. That’s enough if you have only one website which you want to index but if you have several websites, you prob...

Redmine, Apache, Subversion: Could not read status line 9 Sep 2010 | 08:45 pm

If you use a combination of, Apache and SVN and are wondering about error messages telling you "COPY of ‘foobar’ : Could not read status line: connection was closed by server" or "COPY of ‘...

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rewriterule, apache rewriterule, rewriterule tutorial, rewrite rule, crc fehler, firefox 4 langsam, typo3 4.5 t3mootools, nerdcenter, thorsten boock nerd, firefox 4 hakt

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