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Seven years later and we're still searching 23 Jul 2013 | 04:19 pm
Fellow nestorphiles, though we’ve been active on our twitter feed (you do follow us, right?), it’s been a fair while since we’ve blogged. Apologies. So what have we been up to here at Nestoria HQ t....
The Silicon Milkroundabout is a two day hiring bonanza taking place this weekend, May 11th and 12th.... 8 May 2013 | 08:16 pm
The Silicon Milkroundabout is a two day hiring bonanza taking place this weekend, May 11th and 12th. The Saturday is focussed on Product and the Sunday is all about Engineering. Historically the venue...
Nestoria Interview - Luke Razzell - Wiiv 6 Mar 2013 | 04:26 pm
Today we continue our blog interview series with a discussion with Luke Razzell, a London based entrepreneur who likes the team here at Nestoria works in the realm of aggregation. Luke is the founder ...
Nestoria Interview - Anton Chernikov - GoodPeople 5 Feb 2013 | 07:13 pm
Today we continue our interview series. And while we always seek out digital innovators, today’s post is a bit special in that our interviewee got his digital start here at Nestoria. It was only a few...
Nestoria Interview - Colin Eberhardt - PropertyCross 4 Jan 2013 | 07:27 pm
Back in 2006 Lokku opened up Nestoria API in hope to create a field for serendipitous connections. Yesterday, we got another reminder that this strategy is working. Granted, Colin Eberhardt is not a ...
Meet the team: CharlotteFellow Nestorphiles, over the years... 25 Oct 2012 | 08:30 pm
Meet the team: Charlotte Fellow Nestorphiles, over the years we’ve had a lot of feedback, positive and negative from the users of Nestoria, for which we’re very thankful. One topic that comes up aga...
The 2nd Life of my Mac Mini - Nestoria Interview with Mark Simpkins of Ministry of Stories 18 Oct 2012 | 03:30 pm
Recently my Mac Mini, which had possibly been around since the very dawn of Nestoria, moved on to other things. It ran well, and when we were contacted by Mark Simpkins from the Ministry of Stories a...
W3G on Wednesday 24 OctFellow Nestormaniacs, as a loyal blog... 3 Oct 2012 | 03:53 pm
W3G on Wednesday 24 Oct Fellow Nestormaniacs, as a loyal blog reader you’ll know that we here at Nestoria love open data. As such I’m delighted to announce that we’ve been helping organize W3G, a fr...
Best in Show (Nestoria Interview) 1 Oct 2012 | 02:23 pm
Here at Nestoria HQ we regularly sit down together for a Tech Talk where we learn about impressive, new things that are going on with the site, or the industry. Sometimes one of our team speaks and s...
Best in Show (Nestoria Interview) 1 Oct 2012 | 02:23 pm
Here at Nestoria HQ we regularly sit down together for a Tech Talk where we learn about impressive, new things that are going on with the site, or the industry. Sometimes one of our team speaks and s...