Nh2 - devolux.nh2.me
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jQ 3.5 released 1 Sep 2010 | 08:11 am
After a long period of absence over the summer, I have finally released the newest version of the jQ theme. It has now more options than before, including several fields that allow the adjustment of t...
On Fonts 15 Mar 2010 | 02:11 am
I have changed the default font of the jQ theme options from “Sans-Serif” (which was mainly Helvetica) to “Serif” (which is Georgia). While I much prefer serif fonts – and especially Georgia – I’ve al...
jQ 3.0 coming 19 Feb 2010 | 03:39 am
After the theme was down for some time over the turn of the year, it is now back on the featured list on WordPress.org in version 2.9. While there haven’t been many new features since version 2.4, the...
The site’s back 8 Feb 2010 | 03:10 am
Hi everybody, the website is back after after a long period of displaying nothing but empty screen. Though the content is available again I’m not sure about my future activity on this blog and on de...
Transforming jQ index pages 9 Oct 2009 | 06:13 am
If you want to transform jQ in a way that only the post headings are displayed on index pages, there’s a very easy method to achieve this. The one thing you have to do is editing the file theme.js whi...
jQ featured on WordPress.org 8 Oct 2009 | 04:36 am
I am glad to announce that my second WordPress theme has been included to the featured theme list on WordPress.org. This is a great success and a new motivation to continue my OpenSource work. My curr...
WP-Plugin: jQuery Font Scaling 1 Sep 2009 | 04:38 am
Description The plug-in offers three links to change the font size of your blog. They can be inserted anywhere on your website by including a simple PHP-function (-> Installation). These links change...
Automatic Post Thumb 3 May 2009 | 03:43 am
Description The plug-in extracts the first image uploaded to a WordPress post by using a simple database query. Please note that the database order of the images is not influenced by the way you orde...
Custom Text if no tags are available 30 Apr 2009 | 07:21 am
Just insert the following code to one of your WP templates: This prints “No tags” where ever you want it.
jQuery font scaling 28 Mar 2009 | 09:00 am
Required are the jQuery core and the jQuery plug-in “COOKIE”. Here you see the font scaling jQuery code: In addition, the font scaling affects two other files of your website. You must insert three l...