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Kimono Monsters @ Maker Faire 2010 21 Aug 2010 | 01:04 am
After dozen months of works, We finally have live demo for the public. At Maker Faire 2010, we demonstrate two shirts and show how they work. People (especially kids) love it! We feel happy that we ge...
Milktruck++ Google Map & Google Earth Api Mashup 6 Jun 2010 | 12:08 pm
These couple days I was helping my colleagues adding new features to their project. Their project "The Mother Road ~ Route 66" consists of a 3-D recreation of Route 66 utilizing Google Earth and Googl...
Hab Fab v1.0b 3 Jun 2010 | 07:15 pm
Hab Fab is an Android application which developed by CSUEB Multimedia students, Daniel Weinstein, Marc Meyer and Pochen Lin. It's a school project for the class "Learning Theory and Multimedia Applica...
Web Design - The Big Apple 3 Jun 2010 | 03:52 pm
I used to create websites for fun when I was in High school. In recent year, I put lot of passion on my personal blog. So HTML to me is not unfamiliar at all. However, I've never taken any official cl...
Baishatun Matsu temple fair 3 Jun 2010 | 03:50 pm
Baishatun Matsu temple fair is the annually tour of Matsu inspection. The tour usually gathers thousands of followers following the Matsu's palankeen. They walked to "北港" Matsu temple and finally went...
2007 Chinese Valentine's day concert in Dahsi 3 Jun 2010 | 03:50 pm
The lunar date July 7th is Chinese Valentine’s Day. Our company was holding a concert in Dahsi to attract valentines to visit this small town on this special day. The artistes included 楊韻禾(Melody Youn...
2007 Moon festival concert in MiaoLi 3 Jun 2010 | 03:50 pm
2007 Moon festival concert in MiaoLi The artistes included 強辯(Champion), 米兒絲(MYRS), and 星光幫. As usual, I represented our company to take photographs for client. 強辯樂團 活力米兒絲 Myrs ~ Yuri & Ring 許仁杰 ...
2008 CTV New Years Eve Concert @ TaoYuan 3 Jun 2010 | 03:50 pm
2008 CTV New Years Eve Concert @ TaoYuan The artistes included 王力宏(Alexander Wang), 星光幫, and etc. As usual, I represented our company to take photographs for client. 很有氣質 Fans 李宣榕 這張超有氣勢! 李宣榕 有...
Arduino + Sparkfun RGB led matrix "HELLO WORLD" 3 Jun 2010 | 03:50 pm
In kimono dragons project, the first coming problem was display. After doing some researches we decided to use the led matrix from Sparkfun. The reasons are because it was modularized and it can easil...
Sparkfun RGB led matrix : Bouncing ball 3 Jun 2010 | 03:50 pm
Here is another example for using multiple Sparkfun led matrixes. To use multiple matrixes, you need to assert the “daisychain” function in between each of frame. (Although the documentation said you ...