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Stone's 17th Anniversary Götterdämmerung IPA 24 Aug 2013 | 08:23 pm
Each summer, Stone Brewing Co. releases a new anniversary ale. This year, for it's 17th anniversary, Stone has released Götterdämmerung IPA, a German-inspired IPA. For more details, check out the news...
Review: Transatlantique Kriek, New Belgium 22 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Transatlantique Kriek New Belgium Brewing Co. — Fort Collins, CO Stats: Style: Kriek Bitterness: 8 IBU ABV: 8% Malts: Pale, Red Wheat, Carapils, Roasted Barley Hops: Willamette Yeast: Lager .....
Review: Summer Weizen, Smuttynose Brewing 19 Aug 2013 | 07:41 pm
Summer Weizen Ale Smuttynose Brewing Co. — Portsmouth, NH Stats: Style: Wheat Ale Bitterness: 15 IBU ABV: 5.46% Malts: North American Two-Row, Wheat Malt Hops: Sterling Special Ingredient:.....
Review: ZigZag River Lager, Portland Brewing 16 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
ZigZag River Lager Portland Brewing Co. — Portland, OR Stats: Style: Lager Bitterness: 25 IBU ABV: 5.1% Malts: 2-Row Pale, Wheat, and Munich Hops: Nugget and Tettnang Sampled: 12 oz. b...
Review: Header Topper, The Alchemist 14 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Heady Topper The Alchemist — Waterbury, VT Stats: Style: Double IPA Bitterness: Not specified ABV: 8.0% Malts: Not specified Hops: Not specified Sampled: 16 oz. can Description: We love...
Homebrewed by Design: Pairing Homebrewers with Graphic Designers 12 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
In the three years I've been homebrewing, I've made about 15 different beers. I started with extract and graduated to all-grain. However, unlike most homebrewers, I've never kegged my beer and have al...
Beer Run: Summer Seasonals 9 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Is summer nearing its middle? It must be true, as I'm already seeing "Back to School" sales advertisements. I guess I should start writing about some summer seasonals. Three of these (Rolle Boll...
Hydro Flask. The Ultimate Growler! 7 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Growlers are one of the hottest trends in craft beer. Basically, a growler is a 64 oz. container (usually glass) that consumers take to beer bars, taprooms, or beer shops to have filled with fresh ...
Sierra Nevada's Launches Flipside IPA 5 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Last week, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. announced the upcoming launch of Flipside IPA, a new seasonal Red IPA. Flipside will be available September - October and will be followed by the 32nd annual relea...
Full Sail's Summer Seasonal Lineup 2 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Summer is in full swing, and Full Sail's seasonal lineup is here to help you stay cool! The brewery sent me samples of each, and I will taste and write about them soon. Descriptions for each are lis.....