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Drying herbs with kids 30 Jul 2012 | 03:07 pm
As I harvest our herbs in our organic herb garden I wanted to take a time to teach the kids how to dry herbs. So, one morning after we harvested a mix of herbs, we took them into the kitchen and the k...
Herbs and Aromatherapy for “that time of the month”. 27 Jul 2012 | 03:48 pm
It’s that time of the month – you don’t know it’s happening but everyone else does. And you don’t get why the people you usually like are really annoying you or why that pimple on your face suddenly p...
Getting to know Jack & Lola Photography 22 Jul 2012 | 02:15 pm
My friend Lyndsey is the photographer behind Jack & Lola Photography and not too long ago I had the pleasure of getting photographed by her and getting to know her even more. Lyndsey has a creative ey...
Why we don’t offer doTerra, Young Living or other Multi-Marketing Brands of Essential Oils 21 Jul 2012 | 03:55 am
I get asked often why we don’t offer doTerra essential oils and so I wanted to compile in this blog post the reasons why including resources and references. However these are just some of many more re...
Why kids don’t need juice 18 Jul 2012 | 02:59 pm
Because water and eating fruit is even better? Well, there is that reason but there are many other reasons why kids don’t need juice. Here are some of the reasons to avoid (or at least really limit) g...
Vetiver: Connecting with the Earth 16 Jul 2012 | 03:23 pm
Vetiver - the Earthy Essential Oil This essential oil connect us to earth’s energies. It is a source of vital energy and regeneration. The earthy fragrance of the oil supports all of those who have l...
About an herb ~ Niraouli 14 Jul 2012 | 05:49 pm
Niaouli Once you smell Niraouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia) you quickly remember the scent – it smells like Vapor Rub! And that’s because Niraouli is such an excellent expectorant that pharmaceutical c...
What is babyled feeding? 12 Jul 2012 | 04:35 pm
It all began when I was at my friend’s house having lunch. There I was feeding my 26 month old (I also had a brand new baby boy at the time). I was partly feeding her and she partly feeding herself. A...
Our herbal bar…how it all began. 12 Jul 2012 | 02:00 am
Herbal Bar at Granola Babies It all started one day while I was placing my online order for more dried Chamomile flowers. While adding it and other herbs to my online shopping cart, I thought…why can...
The joyful herb that is Lemongrass 10 Jul 2012 | 04:27 pm
Lemongrass how I love thee Oh how refreshing Lemongrass is for me! Its scent is considered a secret aid for starting your morning – like a cool morning shower that refreshes and brings sunshine to yo...