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How to Pass the Drug Test 26 Jul 2012 | 12:11 pm
in Spirituality / Metaphysical (submitted 2012-07-25) Medication assessments are normally employed today in several motives. If you want to pass the drug test you need to know the ways about how t...
Britney Spears And The Legend Of Sleepy Holo (Part One) 26 Jul 2012 | 06:11 am
in Spirituality / New Age (submitted 2012-07-24) Britney Spears And The Legend Of Sleepy Holo Washington Irving`s story of Ichabod Crane, The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow, is the basis for Britney Spe...
The Law of Attraction and the Power of Prayer 26 Jul 2012 | 06:11 am
in Spirituality / New Age (submitted 2012-07-25) Have you ever wondered why some prayers are answered while others are not? Are some people just born lucky or was it fate? Is there a God who answe...
A Jug Of Wine, A Loaf Of Bread And Thou 26 Jul 2012 | 06:11 am
in Spirituality / New Age (submitted 2012-07-25) A Jug Of Wine, A Loaf Of Bread And Thou At the `Last Supper` Jesus offered the bread and the wine to the disciples. The bowl from which he ate and...
Make A Difference With These Green Energy Tips 25 Jul 2012 | 11:55 am
in Spirituality / Metaphysical (submitted 2012-07-24) Storm doors and windows help control air flow into a home. Storm doors and windows stop drafts from letting in so much cold air. Energy effici...
Dealing With Opinions 25 Jul 2012 | 05:54 am
in Spirituality / New Age (submitted 2012-07-24) Dealing with opinions by Eckart Tolle Viewpoints, opinions, and mental positions are all thoughts – the thought says “this is how it is”, it is so...
Britney Spears And The Legend Of Sleepy Holo (Part Two) 24 Jul 2012 | 11:51 pm
in Spirituality / New Age (submitted 2012-07-24) The `tin man` doesn`t have a `heart` in The Wizard Of Oz, but has an accurséd axe to prevent him from marrying the girl he loves, and it dismembers...
Britney Spears And The Legend Of Sleepy Holo (Part Three) 24 Jul 2012 | 11:51 pm
in Spirituality / New Age (submitted 2012-07-24) In If You Seek Amy, Britney`s perception is Chopfyt`s. The girls want her, but the boys have the penis. The explanation she`s a woman with a penis ...
What Shakespeare Can Teach Us About Enlightenment: All the World?EUR(TM)S a Stage 24 Jul 2012 | 11:51 pm
in Spirituality / Meditation (submitted 2012-07-24) When I was an undergraduate at university many years ago, my deep enjoyment and love for the works of William Shakespeare blossomed. I had the p...
Follow the Royal Way to Your Inner Divinity 24 Jul 2012 | 05:50 pm
in Spirituality / Meditation (submitted 2012-07-24) Life is difficult at every step, and it always rings a whole new challenge for every person. The problem begins when people give up before makin...