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Veteran News Roundup - August 22, 2013 23 Aug 2013 | 12:52 am
Sanders eligible Vt. vets to use VA health system. Hyperlink to Article The News-Times (AP): U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders Monday urged veterans from Vermont and parts of New Hampshire to see if they are ...
Veteran News Roundup - August 12, 2013 13 Aug 2013 | 01:55 am
She tracks photos of Vietnam War's fallen / Pvt / Phillip Gene Cantrell's name is engraved in the black marble of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington, D /C / But something crucial is sti...
Veteran News Roundup - August 8, 2013 9 Aug 2013 | 03:45 am
Lakeland to Unveil Purple Heart Memorial. WUSF News George Washington established the Purple Heart medal for all wounded or killed in action according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Cel...
Veteran News Roundup - August 5, 2013 6 Aug 2013 | 03:14 am
State’s advocate for veterans tapped for administration post. Hyperlink to Story The Day: Linda Schwartz, of Pawcatuck, has served as the commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affai...
Lifeline for Vets Call Stories 2 Aug 2013 | 11:28 pm
CALIFORNIA - A Vietnam-era Army Veteran needed his prescriptions refilled but didn’t know who to contact. NVF Information Specialist Freddy Cordova showed him how to log onto the VA systme and use RX ...
Veteran News Roundup - August 2, 2013 2 Aug 2013 | 10:59 pm
Calif. Gold Star parents to raise money for worn banners. As some of the city's 400 military banners become weathered, a Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. couple has stepped forward to help raise money for re...
From PTSD to Prison: Why Some Veterans End up in Prison 2 Aug 2013 | 02:30 am
During the last year of his service contract with the Marine Reserves, Christopher Lee Boyd was sent to Iraq. Boyd was a driver in the Fourth Combat Engineer Battalion, Charlie Company, out of Lynchbu...
Veteran News Roundup - August 1, 2013 2 Aug 2013 | 02:08 am
Pentagon to bear brunt of upcoming budget cuts. A second, deeper round of automatic federal budget cuts is on its way, and it's going to hit the Pentagon hard. Senate measure would shut down Pentago...
Veteran News Roundup - July 29, 2013 30 Jul 2013 | 02:13 am
Ty M. Carter to receive Medal of Honor for actions in Afghanistan. The White House announced late Friday that Army Staff Sgt. Ty M. Carter will be awarded the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry...
Veteran News Roundup - July 25, 2013 26 Jul 2013 | 12:04 am
In VFW speeches, Paul condemns aid to Egypt; McConnell criticizes Obama. Hyperlink to Story Lexington Herald-Leader: U.S. Sen. Rand Paul on Monday criticized foreign aid to military dictatorships an...